What is this?
This site,
Tour of CLIPSraylib ,
Wasm-CLIPSraylib ,
a site demonstrating how you can build videogames in real time in your browser
raylib ,
Emscripten .
It lets you make changes to the code in the textarea
HTML element
and render the changes to a canvas
It uses no other front-end frameworks to accomplish this.
What is CLIPS?
is a programming language well suited for building
Rules Engines ,
programs that express your business logic as "Rules" and "Facts."
It was originally written by engineers at NASA between 1985 and 1996 and was touted
as "NASA's AI Language."
It is still actively maintained by one of the original programmers,
Gary Riley .
CLIPS is very convenient for building Video Games because
Games express instructions for playing them as "Rules."
What is raylib?
is "a simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming."
Its lead developer is
raysan ,
a University Lecturer at
TechnoCampus .
raylib works really well with CLIPS because its API is very easy to implement
as CLIPS User Defined Functions.
What is Emscripten?
is "a complete compiler toolchain to WebAssembly, using LLVM,
with a special focus on speed, size, and the Web platform." It's been around
since 2010, and it's easy to use with raylib and CLIPS. Simply specify
for raylib
and change your C compiler to emcc
for CLIPS and you're good to go.
(raylib-init-window 800 450 "CLIPSraylib [shapes] example - bouncing ball")
(raylib-set-target-fps 60)
(deffacts init
(xposition 20.0)
(yposition 20.0)
(xspeed 5.0)
(yspeed 4.0)
(radius 20)
(pause FALSE)
(frames 0)
(window-should-close FALSE))
(defrule ball-hits-wall
(xposition ?xposition)
(radius ?radius)
?f <- (xspeed ?xspeed)
(pause FALSE)
(window-should-close FALSE)
(test (or
(< ?xspeed 0)
(<= ?xposition ?radius))
(> ?xspeed 0)
(>= ?xposition (- (raylib-get-screen-width) ?radius)))))
(retract ?f)
(xspeed (* -1 ?xspeed))))
(defrule ball-hits-ceiling-or-floor
(yposition ?yposition)
(radius ?radius)
?f <- (yspeed ?yspeed)
(pause FALSE)
(window-should-close FALSE)
(test (or
(< ?yspeed 0)
(<= ?yposition ?radius))
(> ?yspeed 0)
(>= ?yposition (- (raylib-get-screen-height) ?radius)))))
(retract ?f)
(yspeed (* -1 ?yspeed))))
(defrule render
?x <- (xposition ?xposition)
?y <- (yposition ?yposition)
(xspeed ?xspeed)
(yspeed ?yspeed)
(radius ?radius)
?pause <- (pause FALSE)
?w <- (window-should-close FALSE)
(test (and
(= ?xspeed 0)
(> ?xspeed 0)
(<= ?xposition (- (raylib-get-screen-width) ?radius)))
(< ?xspeed 0)
(>= ?xposition ?radius)))
(= ?yspeed 0)
(< ?yspeed 0)
(>= ?yposition ?radius))
(> ?yspeed 0)
(<= ?yposition (- (raylib-get-screen-height) ?radius))))))
(retract ?x ?y ?w ?pause)
(window-should-close (raylib-window-should-close))
(pause (raylib-is-key-pressed KEY_SPACE))
(unpause FALSE)
(xposition (+ ?xposition ?xspeed))
(yposition (+ ?yposition ?yspeed)))
(raylib-clear-background RAYWHITE)
(raylib-draw-circle-v ?xposition ?yposition ?radius MAROON)
(raylib-draw-text "PRESS SPACE to PAUSE BALL MOVEMENT" 10 (- (raylib-get-screen-height) 25) 20 LIGHTGRAY)
(raylib-draw-fps 10 10)
(defrule wait
?f <- (frames ?frames)
(pause TRUE)
?unpause <- (unpause FALSE)
?w <- (window-should-close FALSE)
(retract ?f ?unpause ?w)
(if (= (mod (integer (/ ?frames 30)) 2) 0)
(raylib-draw-text "PAUSED" 350 200 30 GRAY))
(frames (+ 1 ?frames))
(window-should-close (raylib-window-should-close))
(unpause (raylib-is-key-pressed KEY_SPACE)))
(raylib-clear-background RAYWHITE)
(defrule unpause
?pause <- (pause TRUE)
?unpause <- (unpause TRUE)
?w <- (window-should-close FALSE)
(retract ?pause ?unpause)
(pause FALSE)
(window-should-close (raylib-window-should-close))))
(defrule die
(window-should-close TRUE)
(println "Done. Exiting...")
(raylib-init-window 800 400 "Hello, keyboard")
(deffunction check-if-should-exit (?delta)
(defrule before
?f <- (new-spacebar-pressed FALSE)
(not (test (check-if-should-exit ?f)))
(retract ?f)
(raylib-clear-background RAYWHITE)
(raylib-draw-text "Press the spacebar for as long as you can" 190 200 20 BLACK)
(assert (new-spacebar-pressed (raylib-is-key-down KEY_SPACE))))
(defrule end-before
?d <- (new-spacebar-pressed FALSE)
(test (check-if-should-exit ?d))
(println "Exiting early...")
(defrule start
?f <- (new-spacebar-pressed TRUE)
(not (test (check-if-should-exit ?f)))
(new-spacebar-hold (raylib-is-key-down KEY_SPACE))
(began-holding (time))))
(defrule continue
?d <- (new-spacebar-hold TRUE)
(began-holding ?began)
(not (test (check-if-should-exit ?d)))
(retract ?d)
(raylib-clear-background GREEN)
(raylib-draw-text (format nil "Keep holding! Seconds held so far: %f" (- (time) ?began)) 190 200 20 DARKGREEN)
(assert (new-spacebar-hold (raylib-is-key-down KEY_SPACE))))
(defrule stopped-holding-spacebar
?d <- (new-spacebar-hold FALSE)
(began-holding ?time)
(not (stopped-holding ?time))
(not (test (check-if-should-exit ?d)))
(stopped-holding (time))
(time (time))))
(defrule report
(new-spacebar-hold FALSE)
(began-holding ?began)
(stopped-holding ?ended)
?d <- (time ?now)
(not (test (check-if-should-exit ?d)))
(retract ?d)
(raylib-clear-background SKYBLUE)
(raylib-draw-text (format nil "Nice! You held for %f seconds!" (- ?ended ?began)) 190 200 20 DARKBLUE)
(assert (time (time))))
(defrule end-after
?t <- (time ?time)
(test (check-if-should-exit ?t))
(println "Done. Exiting...")
(assert (new-spacebar-pressed FALSE))
(raylib-init-window 800 400 "Hello, mouse")
(deffacts setup
(should-exit FALSE)
(new-mouse-delta 0 0)
(new-mouse-position 0 0)
(new-mouse-button FALSE FALSE))
(defrule continue
?d <- (new-mouse-delta ?ndx ?ndy)
?p <- (new-mouse-position ?npx ?npy)
?c <- (new-mouse-color ?color)
?b <- (new-mouse-button ? ?)
?s <- (should-exit FALSE)
(retract ?d ?p ?c ?b ?s)
(raylib-clear-background RAYWHITE)
(raylib-draw-circle (integer ?npx) (integer ?npy) 100 ?color)
(should-exit (raylib-window-should-close))
(new-mouse-delta (raylib-get-mouse-delta))
(new-mouse-position (raylib-get-mouse-position))
(raylib-is-mouse-button-down MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT)
(raylib-is-mouse-button-down MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT))))
(defrule determine-color-gray
(new-mouse-button FALSE FALSE)
(assert (new-mouse-color DARKGRAY)))
(defrule determine-color-red
(new-mouse-button TRUE FALSE)
(assert (new-mouse-color RED)))
(defrule determine-color-blue
(new-mouse-button FALSE TRUE)
(assert (new-mouse-color BLUE)))
(defrule determine-color-purple
(new-mouse-button TRUE TRUE)
(assert (new-mouse-color PURPLE)))
(defrule die
(should-exit TRUE)
(println "Closing program...")
(raylib-init-window 800 450 "2D Camera Platform")
(deffacts cameras
(camera center)
(camera center center-inside-map)
(camera center-inside-map center-smooth-follow)
(camera center-smooth-follow even-out-landing)
(camera even-out-landing player-bounds-push)
(camera player-bounds-push center))
(deffacts surfaces
(surface 300 200 400 10) ;highest platform
(surface 250 300 100 10) ;left platform
(surface 650 300 100 10) ;right platform
(surface 0 400 1000 200)) ;ground
(deffacts physics
(gravity 400))
(deftemplate player
(slot x (default 400))
(slot y (default 280))
(slot x-delta (default 0))
(slot y-delta (default 0))
(slot walk-speed (default 200.0))
(slot jump-speed (default 350.0)))
(deffunction c-pressed (?time)
(raylib-is-key-pressed KEY_C))
(deffunction r-pressed (?time)
(raylib-is-key-down KEY_R))
(deffunction space-pressed (?time)
(raylib-is-key-down KEY_SPACE))
(deffunction left-pressed (?time)
(raylib-is-key-down KEY_LEFT))
(deffunction right-pressed (?time)
(raylib-is-key-down KEY_RIGHT))
(defrule reset-player
?player <- (player)
(frame-time ?time)
(should-exit FALSE)
(test (r-pressed ?time))
(modify ?player
(x (deftemplate-slot-default-value player x))
(y (deftemplate-slot-default-value player y))))
(defrule jump
?player <- (player
(x ?playerx)
(y ?playery)
(y-delta 0)
(jump-speed ?jump-speed))
(frame-time ?time)
(should-exit FALSE)
(surface ?surfacex ?playery
&:(<= ?surfacex ?playerx)
&:(>= (+ ?surfacex ?width) ?playerx)
(not (new-player-y-delta ?))
(test (space-pressed ?time))
(new-player-y (+ ?playery (* -1 ?jump-speed ?time)))
(new-player-y-delta (* -1 ?jump-speed))))
(defrule fall
?player <- (player
(x ?playerx)
(y ?playery)
(y-delta ?ydelta))
(frame-time ?time)
(gravity ?gravity)
(should-exit FALSE)
(surface ?surfacex
&:(>= ?surfacey ?playery)
&:(<= ?surfacey (+ ?playery (* ?ydelta ?time)))
&:(<= ?surfacex ?playerx)
&:(>= (+ ?surfacex ?width) ?playerx)
(not (new-player-y-delta ?))
(new-player-y (+ ?playery (* ?ydelta ?time)))
(new-player-y-delta (+ ?ydelta (* ?time ?gravity)))))
(defrule land
?player <- (player
(x ?playerx)
(y ?playery)
(y-delta ?ydelta&:(> ?ydelta 0)))
(frame-time ?time)
(surface ?surfacex
&:(>= ?surfacey ?playery)
&:(<= ?surfacey (+ ?playery (* ?ydelta ?time)))
&:(<= ?surfacex ?playerx)
&:(>= (+ ?surfacex ?width) ?playerx)
(should-exit FALSE)
(not (new-player-y-delta ?))
(new-player-y ?surfacey)
(new-player-y-delta 0)))
(defrule on-the-ground
?player <- (player
(x ?playerx)
(y ?playery)
(y-delta 0))
(frame-time ?time)
(surface ?surfacex ?playery
&:(<= ?surfacex ?playerx)
&:(>= (+ ?surfacex ?width) ?playerx)
(should-exit FALSE)
(not (new-player-y-delta ?))
(test (not (space-pressed ?time)))
(new-player-y ?playery)
(new-player-y-delta 0)))
(defrule standing-still
?player <- (player
(x ?playerx))
(frame-time ?time)
(should-exit FALSE)
(not (new-player-x ?))
(test (or
(not (left-pressed ?time))
(not (right-pressed ?time)))
(left-pressed ?time)
(right-pressed ?time))))
(assert (new-player-x ?playerx)))
(defrule move-left
?player <- (player
(x ?playerx)
(walk-speed ?walk-speed))
(frame-time ?time)
(should-exit FALSE)
(not (test (right-pressed ?time)))
(not (new-player-x ?))
(test (left-pressed ?time))
(assert (new-player-x (- ?playerx (* ?time ?walk-speed)))))
(defrule move-right
?player <- (player
(x ?playerx)
(walk-speed ?walk-speed))
(frame-time ?time)
(should-exit FALSE)
(not (test (left-pressed ?time)))
(not (new-player-x ?))
(test (right-pressed ?time))
(assert (new-player-x (+ ?playerx (* ?time ?walk-speed)))))
(defrule draw-scene-camera-center
?player <- (player)
?nx <- (new-player-x ?x)
?ny <- (new-player-y ?y)
?nyd <- (new-player-y-delta ?ydelta)
?f <- (frame-time ?time)
(camera center)
(should-exit FALSE)
(retract ?f ?nx ?ny ?nyd)
(modify ?player
(x ?x)
(y ?y)
(y-delta ?ydelta))
(raylib-clear-background LIGHTGRAY)
(raylib-begin-mode-2d 400 280 (integer ?x) (integer ?y))
(raylib-draw-rectangle 0 0 1000 400 LIGHTGRAY) ;background
(do-for-all-facts ((?s surface)) TRUE
(raylib-draw-rectangle (nth$ 1 ?s:implied) (nth$ 2 ?s:implied) (nth$ 3 ?s:implied) (nth$ 4 ?s:implied) GRAY))
(raylib-draw-rectangle (- (integer ?x) 20) (- (integer ?y) 40) 40 40 RED) ;player
(raylib-draw-text "Controls:" 20 20 10 BLACK)
(raylib-draw-text "- Right/Left to move" 40 40 10 DARKGRAY)
(raylib-draw-text "- Space to jump" 40 60 10 DARKGRAY)
(raylib-draw-text "- Mouse Wheel to Zoom in-out (not yet implemented), R to reset character" 40 80 10 DARKGRAY)
(raylib-draw-text "- C to change camera mode (not yet implemented)" 40 100 10 DARKGRAY)
(raylib-draw-text "Current camera mode:" 20 120 10 BLACK)
(frame-time (raylib-get-frame-time))
(should-exit (raylib-window-should-close))))
(defrule die
(should-exit TRUE)
(println "Done. Exiting...")
(frame-time 0)
(should-exit FALSE))
(raylib-set-target-fps 60)
(deffacts init
(screen-width 800) (screen-height 450)
(roundness 0.2)
(width 200.0)
(height 100.0)
(segments 0.0)
(thickness 1.0)
(window-should-close FALSE))
(raylib-init-window 800 450 "CLIPSraylib [shapes] example - draw rectangle rounded")
(raylib-set-target-fps 60)
(defrule begin-drawing
(window-should-close FALSE)
(not (drawing))
(raylib-draw-fps 20 20)
(raylib-draw-line 560 0 560 (raylib-get-screen-height) (raylib-fade LIGHTGRAY 0.6))
(raylib-draw-rectangle 560 0 (- (raylib-get-screen-width) 500) (raylib-get-screen-height) (raylib-fade LIGHTGRAY 0.3))
(assert (drawing)))
(defrule draw-rect
(draw TRUE ? ?)
(height ?height)
(width ?width)
(screen-height ?screen-height)
(screen-width ?screen-width)
(integer (/ (- ?screen-width ?width 250) 2))
(integer (/ (- ?screen-height ?height) 2))
(integer ?width)
(integer ?height)
(raylib-fade GOLD 0.6))
(assert (rectangle-drawn)))
(defrule do-not-draw-rect
(draw FALSE ? ?)
(assert (rectangle-drawn)))
(defrule draw-rounded-rect
(draw ? TRUE ?)
(height ?height)
(width ?width)
(roundness ?roundness)
(segments ?segments)
(screen-width ?screen-width)
(screen-height ?screen-height)
(/ (- ?screen-width ?width 250) 2)
(/ (- ?screen-height ?height) 2)
(integer ?segments)
(raylib-fade BLUE 0.9))
(assert (rounded-rectangle-drawn)))
(defrule do-not-draw-rounded-rect
(draw ? FALSE ?)
(assert (rounded-rectangle-drawn)))
(defrule draw-rounded-lines
(draw ? ? TRUE)
(height ?height)
(width ?width)
(thickness ?thickness)
(roundness ?roundness)
(segments ?segments)
(screen-height ?screen-height)
(screen-width ?screen-width)
(/ (- ?screen-width ?width 250) 2)
(/ (- ?screen-height ?height) 2)
(integer ?segments)
(assert (rounded-rectangle-with-lines-drawn)))
(defrule do-not-draw-rounded-lines
(draw ? ? FALSE)
(assert (rounded-rectangle-with-lines-drawn)))
(defrule end-drawing
?d <- (drawing)
?rd <- (rectangle-drawn)
?rrd <- (rounded-rectangle-drawn)
?rrld <- (rounded-rectangle-with-lines-drawn)
?w <- (width ?width)
?h <- (height ?height)
?r <- (roundness ?roundness)
?t <- (thickness ?thickness)
?s <- (segments ?segments)
?f <- (window-should-close FALSE)
?dr <- (draw ?rect ?rounded ?lines)
(retract ?d ?rd ?rrd ?rrld ?w ?h ?r ?t ?s ?f ?dr)
(window-should-close (raylib-window-should-close))
640 40 105 20
(format nil "%.2f" ?width)
(float (- (raylib-get-screen-width) 300))))
640 70 105 20
(format nil "%.2f" ?height)
(float (- (raylib-get-screen-height) 50))))
640 140 105 20
(format nil "%.2f" ?roundness)
0.0 1.0))
640 170 105 20
(format nil "%.2f" ?thickness)
0.0 20.0))
640 240 105 20
(format nil "%.2f" ?segments)
0.0 60.0))
640 320 20 20
640 350 20 20
640 380 20 20
(raylib-clear-background WHITE)
(defrule die
(window-should-close TRUE)
(println "Done. Exiting...")
(raylib-init-window 800 450 "CLIPSraylib [shapes] example - raylib logo animation")
(raylib-set-target-fps 60)
(deffacts init
(logoPositionX (integer (- (/ (raylib-get-screen-width) 2) 128)))
(logoPositionY (integer (- (/ (raylib-get-screen-height) 2) 128)))
(framesCounter 0)
(lettersAppearingFramesCounter 0)
(lettersCount 0)
(topSideRecWidth 16)
(leftSideRecHeight 16)
(bottomSideRecWidth 16)
(rightSideRecHeight 16)
(alpha 1.0)
(replay FALSE)
(WindowShouldClose FALSE))
(defrule reset-and-replay
(alpha ?alpha&:(<= ?alpha 0))
?r <- (replay TRUE)
(defrule start-drawing
?w <- (WindowShouldClose FALSE)
(not (drawing))
(retract ?w)
(WindowShouldClose (raylib-window-should-close)))
(raylib-clear-background RAYWHITE))
(defrule small-box-blinking-on
(logoPositionX ?logoPositionX)
(logoPositionY ?logoPositionY)
(not (done-drawing))
?f <- (framesCounter ?frames&:(< ?frames 120))
(WindowShouldClose FALSE)
(test (> (mod (/ ?frames 15) 2) 0))
(raylib-draw-rectangle ?logoPositionX ?logoPositionY 16 16 BLACK)
(retract ?f)
(framesCounter (+ 1 ?frames))))
(defrule small-box-blinking-off
(logoPositionX ?logoPositionX)
(logoPositionY ?logoPositionY)
(not (done-drawing))
?f <- (framesCounter ?frames&:(< ?frames 120))
(WindowShouldClose FALSE)
(test (= (mod (/ ?frames 15) 2) 0))
(retract ?f)
(framesCounter (+ 1 ?frames))))
(defrule top-and-left-bars-growing
(logoPositionX ?logoPositionX)
(logoPositionY ?logoPositionY)
(not (done-drawing))
(framesCounter 120)
(WindowShouldClose FALSE)
?t <- (topSideRecWidth ?topSideRecWidth&:(< ?topSideRecWidth 256))
?l <- (leftSideRecHeight ?leftSideRecHeight)
(raylib-draw-rectangle ?logoPositionX ?logoPositionY ?topSideRecWidth 16 BLACK)
(raylib-draw-rectangle ?logoPositionX ?logoPositionY 16 ?leftSideRecHeight BLACK)
(retract ?t ?l)
(topSideRecWidth (+ ?topSideRecWidth 4))
(leftSideRecHeight (+ ?leftSideRecHeight 4))))
(defrule bottom-and-right-bars-growing
(logoPositionX ?logoPositionX)
(logoPositionY ?logoPositionY)
(not (done-drawing))
(framesCounter 120)
(WindowShouldClose FALSE)
(topSideRecWidth 256)
(leftSideRecHeight ?leftSideRecHeight)
?b <- (bottomSideRecWidth ?bottomSideRecWidth&:(< ?bottomSideRecWidth 256))
?r <- (rightSideRecHeight ?rightSideRecHeight)
(raylib-draw-rectangle ?logoPositionX ?logoPositionY 256 16 BLACK)
(raylib-draw-rectangle ?logoPositionX ?logoPositionY 16 ?leftSideRecHeight BLACK)
(raylib-draw-rectangle (+ 240 ?logoPositionX) ?logoPositionY 16 ?rightSideRecHeight BLACK)
(raylib-draw-rectangle ?logoPositionX (+ 240 ?logoPositionY) ?bottomSideRecWidth 16 BLACK)
(retract ?b ?r)
(bottomSideRecWidth (+ 4 ?bottomSideRecWidth))
(rightSideRecHeight (+ 4 ?rightSideRecHeight))))
(defrule one-more-letter
(not (done-drawing))
(framesCounter 120)
?c <- (lettersCount ?count&:(< ?count 10))
?l <- (lettersAppearingFramesCounter 12)
(WindowShouldClose FALSE)
(bottomSideRecWidth 256)
(not (draw-letters))
(retract ?c ?l)
(lettersAppearingFramesCounter 0)
(lettersCount (+ 1 ?count))
(defrule same-amount-of-letters
(not (done-drawing))
(framesCounter 120)
(lettersCount ?count&:(< ?count 10))
?l <- (lettersAppearingFramesCounter ?frames&~12)
(WindowShouldClose FALSE)
(bottomSideRecWidth 256)
(not (draw-letters))
(retract ?l)
(lettersAppearingFramesCounter (+ 1 ?frames))))
(defrule letters-appearing
(logoPositionX ?logoPositionX)
(logoPositionY ?logoPositionY)
(not (done-drawing))
(framesCounter 120)
(lettersCount ?lettersCount)
(WindowShouldClose FALSE)
(bottomSideRecWidth 256)
(rightSideRecHeight ?rightSideRecHeight)
(leftSideRecHeight ?leftSideRecHeight)
(alpha ?alpha&:(> ?alpha 0))
(test (= ?lettersCount 10))
(exists (draw-letters)))
(raylib-draw-rectangle ?logoPositionX ?logoPositionY 256 16 (raylib-fade BLACK ?alpha))
(raylib-draw-rectangle ?logoPositionX (+ ?logoPositionY 16) 16 (- ?leftSideRecHeight 32) (raylib-fade BLACK ?alpha))
(raylib-draw-rectangle (+ 240 ?logoPositionX) (+ 16 ?logoPositionY) 16 (- ?rightSideRecHeight 32) (raylib-fade BLACK ?alpha))
(raylib-draw-rectangle ?logoPositionX (+ 240 ?logoPositionY) 256 16 (raylib-fade BLACK ?alpha))
(integer (- (/ (raylib-get-screen-width) 2) 112))
(integer (- (/ (raylib-get-screen-height) 2) 112))
224 224 (raylib-fade RAYWHITE ?alpha))
(sub-string 0 ?lettersCount raylib)
(integer (- (/ (raylib-get-screen-width) 2) 44))
(integer (+ (/ (raylib-get-screen-height) 2) 48))
(raylib-fade BLACK ?alpha))
(assert (ready-to-fade)))
(defrule wait-to-fade
(lettersCount ~10)
(alpha ?alpha&:(> ?alpha 0))
(not (done-drawing))
?d <- (draw-letters)
(retract ?d)
(assert (done-drawing)))
(defrule fade-out
(lettersCount 10)
?a <- (alpha ?alpha&:(> ?alpha 0))
(not (done-drawing))
?r <- (ready-to-fade)
(retract ?a ?r)
(alpha (- ?alpha 0.02))
(defrule describe-replay
(lettersCount 10)
(not (done-drawing))
(alpha ?alpha&:(<= ?alpha 0))
?r <- (replay FALSE)
(raylib-draw-text "[R] REPLAY" 340 200 20 GRAY)
(retract ?r)
(replay (raylib-is-key-pressed KEY_R))))
(defrule end-drawing
?d <- (drawing)
?dd <- (done-drawing)
(retract ?d ?dd))
(defrule die
(WindowShouldClose TRUE)
(println "Done. Exiting...")
(deffacts pixels
(map-tile-size 32)
(player-size 16)
(player-tile-visibility 2))
(deffacts map
(tiles-x 25)
(tiles-y 15))
(deffacts player
(player-position 180 130))
(deffacts init
(texture (raylib-load-render-texture 25 15))
(window-should-close FALSE)
(raylib-init-window 800 450 "CLIPSraylib [textures] example - fog of war")
(raylib-set-target-fps 60)
(defrule init
(declare (salience 1))
(texture ? ?id ?width ?height ?mipmaps ?format ? ? ? ? ?)
?id ?width ?height ?mipmaps ?format TEXTURE_FILTER_BILINEAR))
(defrule determine-player-tile-x-y
(map-tile-size ?MAP_TILE_SIZE)
(player-position ?x ?y)
(player-tile-x (integer (/ (+ ?x (/ ?MAP_TILE_SIZE 2)) ?MAP_TILE_SIZE)))
(player-tile-y (integer (/ (+ ?y (/ ?MAP_TILE_SIZE 2)) ?MAP_TILE_SIZE)))))
(defrule move-right
(tiles-x ?tiles-x)
(map-tile-size ?map-tile-size)
(player-size ?player-size)
?p <- (player-position ?x&:(< (+ ?x ?player-size) (* ?tiles-x ?map-tile-size)) ?y)
?ptx <- (player-tile-x ?)
?pty <- (player-tile-y ?)
(retract ?f ?p ?ptx ?pty)
(player-position (+ 5 ?x) ?y)))
(defrule cannot-move-right
(tiles-x ?tiles-x)
(map-tile-size ?map-tile-size)
(player-size ?player-size)
?p <- (player-position ?x&:(>= (+ ?x ?player-size) (* ?tiles-x ?map-tile-size)) ?y)
?ptx <- (player-tile-x ?)
?pty <- (player-tile-y ?)
(retract ?f ?p ?ptx ?pty)
(player-position (* ?tiles-x ?map-tile-size) ?y)))
(defrule move-left
(tiles-x ?tiles-x)
(map-tile-size ?map-tile-size)
(player-size ?player-size)
?p <- (player-position ?x&:(> (+ ?x ?player-size) 0) ?y)
?ptx <- (player-tile-x ?)
?pty <- (player-tile-y ?)
(retract ?f ?p ?ptx ?pty)
(player-position (- ?x 5) ?y)))
(defrule cannot-move-left
(tiles-x ?tiles-x)
(map-tile-size ?map-tile-size)
(player-size ?player-size)
?p <- (player-position ?x&:(<= (+ ?x ?player-size) 0) ?y)
?ptx <- (player-tile-x ?)
?pty <- (player-tile-y ?)
(retract ?f ?p ?ptx ?pty)
(player-position 0 ?y)))
(defrule move-down
(tiles-y ?tiles-y)
(map-tile-size ?map-tile-size)
(player-size ?player-size)
?p <- (player-position ?x ?y&:(< (+ ?y ?player-size) (* ?tiles-y ?map-tile-size)))
?ptx <- (player-tile-x ?)
?pty <- (player-tile-y ?)
(retract ?f ?p ?ptx ?pty)
(player-position ?x (+ 5 ?y))))
(defrule cannot-move-down
(tiles-y ?tiles-y)
(map-tile-size ?map-tile-size)
(player-size ?player-size)
?p <- (player-position ?x ?y&:(>= (+ ?y ?player-size) (* ?tiles-y ?map-tile-size)))
?ptx <- (player-tile-x ?)
?pty <- (player-tile-y ?)
(retract ?f ?p ?ptx ?pty)
(player-position ?x (* ?tiles-y ?map-tile-size))))
(defrule move-up
(tiles-y ?tiles-y)
(player-size ?player-size)
?f <- (KEY_UP TRUE)
?p <- (player-position ?x ?y&:(> (+ ?y ?player-size) 0))
?ptx <- (player-tile-x ?)
?pty <- (player-tile-y ?)
(retract ?f ?p ?ptx ?pty)
(player-position ?x (- ?y 5))))
(defrule cannot-move-up
(tiles-y ?tiles-y)
(player-size ?player-size)
?f <- (KEY_UP TRUE)
?p <- (player-position ?x ?y&:(<= (+ ?y ?player-size) 0))
?ptx <- (player-tile-x ?)
?pty <- (player-tile-y ?)
(retract ?f ?p ?ptx ?pty)
(player-position ?x 0)))
(defrule set-unseen-tile-to-seen
?f <- (tile ?x ?y ?blue ~1)
(player-tile-visibility ?player-tile-visibility)
(player-tile-y ?player-tile-y)
(player-tile-x ?player-tile-x)
(test (>= ?y (- ?player-tile-y ?player-tile-visibility)))
(test (<= ?y (+ ?player-tile-y ?player-tile-visibility)))
(test (>= ?x (- ?player-tile-x ?player-tile-visibility)))
(test (<= ?x (+ ?player-tile-x ?player-tile-visibility))))
(retract ?f)
(assert (tile ?x ?y ?blue 1)))
(defrule set-previous-seen-tile-to-partial-fog
?f <- (tile ?x ?y ?blue 1)
(player-tile-visibility ?player-tile-visibility)
(player-tile-y ?player-tile-y)
(player-tile-x ?player-tile-x)
(test (< ?y (- ?player-tile-y ?player-tile-visibility)))
(test (> ?y (+ ?player-tile-y ?player-tile-visibility)))
(test (< ?x (- ?player-tile-x ?player-tile-visibility)))
(test (> ?x (+ ?player-tile-x ?player-tile-visibility))))
(retract ?f)
(assert (tile ?x ?y ?blue 2)))
(defrule render
(texture ?id ?tid ?twidth ?theight ?tmipmaps ?tformat ?did ?dwidth ?dheight ?dmipmaps ?dformat)
(map-tile-size ?MAP_TILE_SIZE)
(player-size ?player-size)
(player-position ?player-position-x ?player-position-y)
(player-tile-visibility ?player-tile-visibility)
(tiles-x ?tiles-x)
(tiles-y ?tiles-y)
(player-tile-x ?player-tile-x)
(player-tile-y ?player-tile-y)
?w <- (window-should-close FALSE)
?u <- (KEY_UP FALSE)
(tile ?x ?y ? 1)
(test (>= ?y (- ?player-tile-y ?player-tile-visibility)))
(test (<= ?y (+ ?player-tile-y ?player-tile-visibility)))
(test (>= ?x (- ?player-tile-x ?player-tile-visibility)))
(test (<= ?x (+ ?player-tile-x ?player-tile-visibility)))))
(tile ?x ?y ? 0|2)
(test (< ?y (- ?player-tile-y ?player-tile-visibility)))
(test (> ?y (+ ?player-tile-y ?player-tile-visibility)))
(test (< ?x (- ?player-tile-x ?player-tile-visibility)))
(test (> ?x (+ ?player-tile-x ?player-tile-visibility)))))
(raylib-begin-texture-mode ?id ?tid ?twidth ?theight ?tmipmaps ?tformat ?did ?dwidth ?dheight ?dmipmaps ?dformat)
(raylib-clear-background BLANK)
(do-for-all-facts ((?t tile)) (= 0 (nth$ 4 ?t:implied))
(raylib-draw-rectangle (nth$ 1 ?t:implied) (nth$ 2 ?t:implied) 1 1 BLACK))
(do-for-all-facts ((?t tile)) (= 2 (nth$ 4 ?t:implied))
(raylib-draw-rectangle (nth$ 1 ?t:implied) (nth$ 2 ?t:implied) 1 1 (raylib-fade BLACK 0.8)))
(raylib-clear-background RAYWHITE)
(do-for-all-facts ((?t tile)) (= 0 (nth$ 3 ?t:implied))
(raylib-draw-rectangle (* (nth$ 1 ?t:implied) ?MAP_TILE_SIZE) (* (nth$ 2 ?t:implied) ?MAP_TILE_SIZE) ?MAP_TILE_SIZE ?MAP_TILE_SIZE BLUE)
(raylib-draw-rectangle-lines (* (nth$ 1 ?t:implied) ?MAP_TILE_SIZE) (* (nth$ 2 ?t:implied) ?MAP_TILE_SIZE) ?MAP_TILE_SIZE ?MAP_TILE_SIZE (raylib-fade DARKBLUE 0.5)))
(do-for-all-facts ((?t tile)) (= 1 (nth$ 3 ?t:implied))
(raylib-draw-rectangle (* (nth$ 1 ?t:implied) ?MAP_TILE_SIZE) (* (nth$ 2 ?t:implied) ?MAP_TILE_SIZE) ?MAP_TILE_SIZE ?MAP_TILE_SIZE (raylib-fade BLUE 0.9))
(raylib-draw-rectangle-lines (* (nth$ 1 ?t:implied) ?MAP_TILE_SIZE) (* (nth$ 2 ?t:implied) ?MAP_TILE_SIZE) ?MAP_TILE_SIZE ?MAP_TILE_SIZE (raylib-fade DARKBLUE 0.5)))
(raylib-draw-rectangle ?player-position-x ?player-position-y ?player-size ?player-size RED)
(raylib-draw-texture-pro ?tid ?twidth ?theight ?tmipmaps ?tformat 0 0 ?twidth (* -1 ?theight)
0 0 (* ?MAP_TILE_SIZE ?tiles-x) (* ?MAP_TILE_SIZE ?tiles-y)
0 0 0 WHITE)
(raylib-draw-text (format nil "Current tile: [%d, %d]" ?player-tile-x ?player-tile-y) 10 10 20 RAYWHITE)
(raylib-draw-text "ARROW KEYS to move" 10 (- (raylib-get-screen-height) 25) 20 RAYWHITE)
(retract ?w ?r ?l ?d ?u)
(window-should-close (raylib-window-should-close))
(KEY_RIGHT (raylib-is-key-down KEY_RIGHT))
(KEY_LEFT (raylib-is-key-down KEY_LEFT))
(KEY_DOWN (raylib-is-key-down KEY_DOWN))
(KEY_UP (raylib-is-key-down KEY_UP))))
(defrule die
(window-should-close TRUE)
(println "Done. Exiting...")
(loop-for-count (?x 0 25) do
(loop-for-count (?y 0 15) do
(assert (tile ?x ?y (random 0 1) 0))))
(raylib-init-window 800 450 "CLIPSraylib [shapes] example - collision area")
(raylib-set-target-fps 60)
(deffacts init
(box-a 10 175 200 100)
(box-a-speed 4)
(box-b 370 175 60 60)
(pause FALSE)
(unpause FALSE)
(window-should-close FALSE)
(screen-upper-limit 40))
(defrule begin-render
(box-a ?ax ?ay ?awidth ?aheight)
(box-b ?bx ?by ?bwidth ?bheight)
(screen-upper-limit ?u)
(not (drawing))
?w <- (window-should-close FALSE)
(retract ?w)
(window-should-close (raylib-window-should-close))
(pause (raylib-is-key-pressed KEY_SPACE)))
(raylib-draw-text "Press SPACE to PAUSE/RESUME" 20 (- (raylib-get-screen-height) 35) 20 LIGHTGRAY)
(raylib-draw-rectangle ?ax ?ay ?awidth ?aheight GOLD)
(raylib-draw-rectangle ?bx ?by ?bwidth ?bheight BLUE))
(defrule draw-no-collision
(box-a ?ax ?ay ?awidth ?aheight)
(box-b ?bx ?by ?bwidth ?bheight) (screen-upper-limit ?u)
(window-should-close FALSE)
(test (not (raylib-check-collision-recs
?ax ?ay ?awidth ?aheight
?bx ?by ?bwidth ?bheight)))
(raylib-draw-rectangle 0 0 (raylib-get-screen-width) ?u BLACK)
(raylib-draw-fps 10 10)
(raylib-clear-background RAYWHITE)
(assert (done)))
(defrule draw-collision
(box-a ?ax ?ay ?awidth ?aheight)
(box-b ?bx ?by ?bwidth ?bheight)
(screen-upper-limit ?u)
(window-should-close FALSE)
(test (raylib-check-collision-recs
?ax ?ay ?awidth ?aheight
?bx ?by ?bwidth ?bheight))
(raylib-draw-rectangle 0 0 (raylib-get-screen-width) ?u RED)
(integer (-
(/ (raylib-get-screen-width) 2)
(/ (raylib-measure-text "COLLISION!" 20) 2)))
(integer (- (/ ?u 2) 10))
(assert (collision-rectangle (raylib-get-collision-rec
?ax ?ay ?awidth ?aheight
?bx ?by ?bwidth ?bheight))))
(defrule draw-collision-rectangle
(screen-upper-limit ?u)
(window-should-close FALSE)
?c <- (collision-rectangle ?x ?y ?width ?height)
(format nil "Collision Area: %d" (* ?width ?height))
(integer (- (/ (raylib-get-screen-width) 2) 100))
(integer (+ ?u 10))
(integer ?x)
(integer ?y)
(integer ?width)
(integer ?height)
(raylib-draw-fps 10 10)
(raylib-clear-background RAYWHITE)
(assert (done))
(retract ?c))
(defrule bounce-a-off-wall
(box-a ?ax ?ay ?awidth ?aheight)
?s <- (box-a-speed ?aspeed)
(window-should-close FALSE)
(not (pause TRUE))
(test (or
(and (> ?aspeed 0) (>= ?ax (- (raylib-get-screen-width) ?awidth)))
(and (< ?aspeed 0) (<= ?ax 0))))
(retract ?s)
(assert (box-a-speed (* -1 ?aspeed))))
(defrule recalculate-box-positions
?a <- (box-a ?ax ?ay ?awidth ?aheight)
?b <- (box-b ?bx ?by ?bwidth ?bheight)
(box-a-speed ?aspeed)
?d <- (drawing)
?dd <- (done)
(not (pause TRUE))
(window-should-close FALSE)
(test (or
(and (> ?aspeed 0) (< ?ax (- (raylib-get-screen-width) ?awidth)))
(and (< ?aspeed 0) (> ?ax 0))))
(retract ?a ?b ?d ?dd)
(+ ?ax ?aspeed)
(integer (- (raylib-get-mouse-x) (/ ?bwidth 2)))
(integer (- (raylib-get-mouse-y) (/ ?bheight 2)))
?bwidth ?bheight)))
(defrule pause-and-wait
(pause TRUE)
?unpause <- (unpause FALSE)
?w <- (window-should-close FALSE)
(retract ?unpause ?w)
(window-should-close (raylib-window-should-close))
(unpause (raylib-is-key-pressed KEY_SPACE))))
(defrule unpause
?p <- (pause TRUE)
?unpause <- (unpause TRUE)
?w <- (window-should-close FALSE)
(retract ?p ?unpause ?w)
(window-should-close (raylib-window-should-close))
(unpause FALSE)))
(defrule die
(window-should-close TRUE)
(println "Done. Exiting...")
(deffacts init
(texture (raylib-load-texture "scarfy.png"))
(total-frames 6)
(current-frame 0)
(frames-counter 0)
(frames-speed 8)
(window-should-close FALSE)
(increase-frame-speed FALSE)
(decrease-frame-speed FALSE))
(defrule render
(total-frames ?total)
(frames-speed ?frames-speed)
(current-frame ?current-frame&:(<= ?current-frame ?total))
(current-x ?x)
?f <- (frames-counter ?frames-counter&:(< ?frames-counter (/ 60 ?frames-speed)))
(texture ?id ?width ?height ?mipmaps ?format)
?w <- (window-should-close FALSE)
?i <- (increase-frame-speed FALSE)
?d <- (decrease-frame-speed FALSE)
(retract ?f ?w ?i ?d)
(bind ?start-x (/ (- (raylib-get-screen-width) ?width) 2))
(raylib-draw-texture ?id ?width ?height ?mipmaps ?format ?start-x 40 WHITE)
(raylib-draw-rectangle-lines ?start-x 40 ?width ?height LIME)
(raylib-draw-rectangle-lines (+ ?start-x ?x) 40 (/ ?width ?total) ?height RED)
(raylib-draw-text "FRAME SPEED: " 165 210 10 DARKGRAY)
(raylib-draw-text (format nil "%02d FPS" ?frames-speed) 575 210 10 DARKGRAY)
(raylib-draw-text "PRESS RIGHT/LEFT KEYS to CHANGE SPEED!" 290 240 10 DARKGRAY)
(loop-for-count (?cnt 0 14) do
(if (<= (+ ?cnt 1) ?frames-speed) then
(raylib-draw-rectangle (+ (* ?cnt 21) 250) 205 20 20 RED))
(raylib-draw-rectangle-lines (+ (* ?cnt 21) 250) 205 20 20 MAROON)
?id ?width ?height ?mipmaps ?format ; texture
?x 0 (/ ?width ?total) ?height ; rectangle
(- (/ (raylib-get-screen-width) 2) (/ (/ ?width ?total) 2)) 280 ; position
(raylib-draw-text "(c) Scarfy sprite by Eiden Marsal" (- (raylib-get-screen-width) 200) (- (raylib-get-screen-height) 20) 10 GRAY)
(assert (frames-counter (+ ?frames-counter 1))
(window-should-close (raylib-window-should-close))
(decrease-frame-speed (raylib-is-key-pressed KEY_LEFT))
(increase-frame-speed (raylib-is-key-pressed KEY_RIGHT)))
(raylib-clear-background RAYWHITE)
(defrule next-frame
?c <- (current-frame ?current-frame)
?x <- (current-x ?)
(frames-speed ?frames-speed)
?f <- (frames-counter ?frames-counter&:(>= ?frames-counter (/ 60 ?frames-speed)))
(retract ?c ?f ?x)
(assert (current-frame (+ 1 ?current-frame))
(frames-counter 0)))
(defrule determine-current-x
(total-frames ?total)
(current-frame ?current-frame&~?total)
(texture ?id ?width ?height ?mipmaps ?format)
(assert (current-x (* ?current-frame (/ ?width ?total)))))
(defrule reset-current-frame
(total-frames ?total)
?c <- (current-frame ?total)
(retract ?c)
(assert (current-frame 0)))
(defrule increase-frame-speed
?f <- (increase-frame-speed TRUE)
?ff <- (frames-speed ?frames-speed&:(< ?frames-speed 15))
(retract ?f ?ff)
(assert (frames-speed (+ ?frames-speed 1))
(increase-frame-speed FALSE)))
(defrule cannot-increase-frame-speed
?f <- (increase-frame-speed TRUE)
(frames-speed 15)
(retract ?f)
(assert (increase-frame-speed FALSE)))
(defrule decrease-frame-speed
?f <- (decrease-frame-speed TRUE)
?ff <- (frames-speed ?frames-speed&:(> ?frames-speed 1))
(retract ?f ?ff)
(assert (frames-speed (- ?frames-speed 1))
(decrease-frame-speed FALSE)))
(defrule cannot-decrease-frame-speed
?f <- (decrease-frame-speed TRUE)
(frames-speed 1)
(retract ?f)
(assert (decrease-frame-speed FALSE)))
(defrule die
(window-should-close TRUE)
(println "Done. Exiting...")
(raylib-init-window 800 450 "CLIPSraylib [texture] example - sprite anim")
(raylib-set-target-fps 60)
(deftemplate texture
(slot id)
(slot width)
(slot height)
(slot mipmaps)
(slot format)
(slot total-frames)
(slot frames-counter (default 0))
(slot current-frame (default 0))
(slot frames-speed (default 8))
(slot current-x (default -1))
(slot x (default -1)))
(deffacts init
(frame 0)
(total-width-of-textures 0)
(number-of-textures 0)
(texture-path "scarfy.png" 6)
(texture-path "spinny-orange.png" 11)
(texture-path "blobbyboiwalking.png" 7)
(texture-path "purple hero running.png" 13)
(window-should-close FALSE)
(mouse-position -1 -1)
(decrease-frame-speed FALSE)
(increase-frame-speed FALSE))
(defrule texture-path-to-texture
?fff <- (total-width-of-textures ?tw)
?ff <- (number-of-textures ?number)
?f <- (texture-path ?path ?total-frames)
(retract ?fff ?ff ?f)
(bind ?texture (raylib-load-texture ?path))
(number-of-textures (+ 1 ?number))
(total-width-of-textures (+ ?tw (/ (nth$ 2 ?texture) ?total-frames)))
(id (nth$ 1 ?texture))
(width (nth$ 2 ?texture))
(height (nth$ 3 ?texture))
(mipmaps (nth$ 4 ?texture))
(format (nth$ 5 ?texture))
(total-frames ?total-frames))))
(defrule current-texture
?t <- (texture)
(not (current-texture ?))
(assert (current-texture ?t)))
(defrule render
(total-width-of-textures ?tw)
(number-of-textures ?number-of-textures)
(window-should-close FALSE)
?t <- (texture
(id ?id)
(width ?width)
(height ?height)
(mipmaps ?mipmaps)
(format ?format)
(total-frames ?total-frames)
(frames-speed ?frames-speed)
(current-x ?current-x))
(current-texture ?t)
?m <- (mouse-position ? ?)
?f <- (frame ?frame)
?i <- (increase-frame-speed FALSE)
?d <- (decrease-frame-speed FALSE)
(not (texture-path ? ?))
(current-frame ?current-frame)
(total-frames ?tf)
(frames-speed ?fs)
(frames-counter ?frames-counter)
(current-x ?x))
(test (<> ?x -1))
(test (<= ?current-frame ?tf))
(test (< ?frames-counter (/ 60 ?fs))))
(retract ?f ?m ?i ?d)
(bind ?start-x (/ (- (raylib-get-screen-width) ?width) 2))
(raylib-draw-texture ?id ?width ?height ?mipmaps ?format ?start-x 40 WHITE)
(raylib-draw-rectangle-lines ?start-x 40 ?width ?height LIME)
(raylib-draw-rectangle-lines (+ ?start-x ?current-x) 40 (/ ?width ?total-frames) ?height RED)
(raylib-draw-text "FRAME SPEED: " 165 210 10 DARKGRAY)
(raylib-draw-text (format nil "%02d FPS" ?frames-speed) 575 210 10 DARKGRAY)
(raylib-draw-text "PRESS RIGHT/LEFT KEYS to CHANGE SPEED!" 290 240 10 DARKGRAY)
(raylib-draw-text "LEFT CLICK MOUSE to CHANGE CURRENT TEXTURE!" 290 270 10 DARKGRAY)
(loop-for-count (?cnt 0 14) do
(if (<= (+ ?cnt 1) ?frames-speed) then
(raylib-draw-rectangle (integer (+ (* ?cnt 21) 250)) 205 20 20 RED))
(raylib-draw-rectangle-lines (integer (+ (* ?cnt 21) 250)) 205 20 20 MAROON)
(bind ?start-x (/ (- (raylib-get-screen-width) ?tw) 2))
(do-for-all-facts ((?texture texture)) TRUE
(if (eq ?texture ?t)
(raylib-draw-rectangle-lines ?start-x 280 (/ ?texture:width ?texture:total-frames) ?texture:height RED)
(raylib-draw-rectangle-lines ?start-x 280 (/ ?texture:width ?texture:total-frames) ?texture:height LIGHTGRAY)
?texture:id ?texture:width ?texture:height ?texture:mipmaps ?texture:format
?texture:current-x 0 (/ ?texture:width ?texture:total-frames) ?texture:height
?start-x 280
(modify ?texture
(x ?start-x)
(current-x -1)
(frames-counter (+ ?texture:frames-counter 1)))
(bind ?start-x (+ ?start-x (/ ?texture:width ?texture:total-frames)))
(raylib-draw-text "(c) Scarfy sprite by Eiden Marsal" (- (raylib-get-screen-width) 200) (- (raylib-get-screen-height) 20) 10 GRAY)
(frame (+ ?frame 1))
(window-should-close (raylib-window-should-close))
(decrease-frame-speed (raylib-is-key-pressed KEY_LEFT))
(increase-frame-speed (raylib-is-key-pressed KEY_RIGHT))
(change-current-texture (raylib-is-mouse-button-pressed MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT))
(mouse-position (raylib-get-mouse-position)))
(raylib-clear-background RAYWHITE)
(defrule change-current-texture
?f <- (texture
(x ?x)
(width ?width)
(height ?height)
(total-frames ?t))
(mouse-position ?mouse-x ?mouse-y)
?ct <- (current-texture ?)
?cct <- (change-current-texture TRUE)
(test (raylib-check-collision-point-rec ?mouse-x ?mouse-y ?x 280 (/ ?width ?t) ?height))
(retract ?ct ?cct)
(current-texture ?f)
(change-current-texture FALSE)))
(defrule misclick
(mouse-position ?mouse-x ?mouse-y)
?cct <- (change-current-texture TRUE)
(x ?x)
(width ?width)
(height ?height)
(total-frames ?t))
(test (not (raylib-check-collision-point-rec ?mouse-x ?mouse-y ?x 280 (/ ?width ?t) ?height))))
(retract ?cct)
(assert (change-current-texture FALSE)))
(defrule next-frame
?f <- (texture
(current-frame ?current-frame)
(frames-speed ?frames-speed)
(frames-counter ?frames-counter&:(>= ?frames-counter (/ 60 ?frames-speed))))
(modify ?f
(frames-counter 0)
(current-frame (+ 1 ?current-frame))))
(defrule determine-current-x
?f <- (texture
(total-frames ?total)
(current-frame ?current-frame&~?total)
(width ?width)
(current-x -1))
(modify ?f (current-x (* ?current-frame (/ ?width ?total)))))
(defrule reset-current-frame
?f <- (texture
(total-frames ?total)
(current-frame ?total))
(modify ?f
(current-frame 0)))
(defrule increase-frame-speed
?ff <- (increase-frame-speed TRUE)
?f <- (texture
(frames-speed ?frames-speed&:(< ?frames-speed 15)))
(current-texture ?f)
(retract ?ff)
(modify ?f
(frames-speed (+ ?frames-speed 1)))
(assert (increase-frame-speed FALSE)))
(defrule cannot-increase-frame-speed
?ff <- (increase-frame-speed TRUE)
?f <- (texture
(frames-speed 15))
(current-texture ?f)
(retract ?ff)
(assert (increase-frame-speed FALSE)))
(defrule decrease-frame-speed
?ff <- (decrease-frame-speed TRUE)
?f <- (texture
(frames-speed ?frames-speed&:(> ?frames-speed 1)))
(current-texture ?f)
(retract ?ff)
(modify ?f
(frames-speed(- ?frames-speed 1)))
(assert (decrease-frame-speed FALSE)))
(defrule cannot-decrease-frame-speed
?ff <- (decrease-frame-speed TRUE)
?f <- (texture
(frames-speed 1))
(current-texture ?f)
(retract ?ff)
(assert (decrease-frame-speed FALSE)))
(defrule die
(window-should-close TRUE)
(println "Done. Exiting...")
(raylib-init-window 800 450 "CLIPSraylib [texture] example - sprite anim")
(raylib-set-target-fps 60)