
Write a Ruby C Extension to Use CLIPS from Ruby: Part 2


This is the second part in a series of articles describing creating a Ruby C extension. In this series, we explore writing a C extension in order to work with an existing C library in Ruby. In this article, we'll explore converting data in Ruby land to CLIPS data so that we can assert Ruby values in our CLIPS environment.

I'd recommend reading the first article if you're new to writing extensions. If you want to skip ahead, I'll provide the source code that we have up until this point so you can dive right in.

The Source So Far

The below code block should be everything including the steps from the first article for the clipsruby.c file:

#include "clips.h"
#include "ruby.h"

size_t fact_size(const void *data)
  return sizeof(Fact);

static const rb_data_type_t Fact_type = {
  .function = {
    .dsize = fact_size

static VALUE clips_environment_fact_deftemplate_name(VALUE self)
  Fact *fact;

  TypedData_Get_Struct(self, Fact, &Fact_type, fact);

  return ID2SYM(rb_intern(DeftemplateName(FactDeftemplate(fact))));

static VALUE clips_environment_fact_static_deftemplate_name(VALUE self, VALUE rbFact)
  return clips_environment_fact_deftemplate_name(rbFact);

void environment_free(void *data)
  DestroyEnvironment((Environment*) data);

size_t environment_size(const void *data)
  return MemUsed((Environment*) data);

static const rb_data_type_t Environment_type = {
  .function = {
    .dfree = environment_free,
    .dsize = environment_size

static VALUE clips_environment_facts(VALUE self)
  Environment *env;

  TypedData_Get_Struct(self, Environment, &Environment_type, env);

  Facts(env, "stdout", NULL, -1, -1, -1);

  return self;

static VALUE clips_environment_static_facts(VALUE self, VALUE rbEnvironment)
  return clips_environment_facts(rbEnvironment);

VALUE environment_alloc(VALUE self)
  return TypedData_Wrap_Struct(self, &Environment_type, CreateEnvironment());

static VALUE create_environment(VALUE self)
  return environment_alloc(rb_const_get(self, rb_intern("Environment")));

static VALUE clips_environment_assert_string(VALUE self, VALUE string)
  Environment *env;

  TypedData_Get_Struct(self, Environment, &Environment_type, env);

  Fact *fact = AssertString(env, StringValueCStr(string));

  VALUE rb_fact =
    TypedData_Wrap_Struct(rb_const_get(CLASS_OF(self), rb_intern("Fact")), &Fact_type, fact);

  rb_iv_set(rb_fact, "@environment", self);

  return rb_fact;

static VALUE clips_environment_static_assert_string(VALUE self, VALUE rbEnvironment, VALUE string)
  return clips_environment_assert_string(rbEnvironment, string);

void Init_clipsruby(void)
  VALUE rbCLIPS = rb_define_module("CLIPS");
  rb_define_module_function(rbCLIPS, "create_environment", create_environment, 0);

  VALUE rbEnvironment = rb_define_class_under(rbCLIPS, "Environment", rb_cObject);
  rb_define_alloc_func(rbEnvironment, environment_alloc);
  rb_define_singleton_method(rbEnvironment, "assert_string", clips_environment_static_assert_string, 2);
  rb_define_method(rbEnvironment, "assert_string", clips_environment_assert_string, 1);
  rb_define_singleton_method(rbEnvironment, "facts", clips_environment_static_facts, 1);
  rb_define_method(rbEnvironment, "facts", clips_environment_facts, 0);

  VALUE rbFact = rb_define_class_under(rbEnvironment, "Fact", rb_cObject);
  rb_define_singleton_method(rbFact, "deftemplate_name", clips_environment_fact_static_deftemplate_name, 1);
  rb_define_method(rbFact, "deftemplate_name", clips_environment_fact_deftemplate_name, 0);

From VALUE to CLIPSValue

The main role of our C extension is to expose CLIPS to Ruby programs. Ideally, we try to be as lightweight as possible, doing only what is necessary. Perhaps the "heaviest" lift that we must do is translating data between the two languages, so we will take extra care to do it right.

In Ruby, data objects are wrapped in VALUEs in our C program. CLIPS, on the other hand, wraps data in CLIPSValues. Thus, we'll start by making functions that can convert every possible type of VALUE that comes with the standard Ruby library into a CLIPSValue. This will let us reference values in our CLIPS program that were calculated by Ruby.

What we must do is provide behavior for converting every kind of data types supported by the Ruby interpreter into a CLIPSValue. Fair warning: this is going to be a long function. Edit your clipsruby.c file so that it has a function called VALUE_to_CLIPSValue:

static CLIPSValue VALUE_to_CLIPSValue(VALUE from, Environment *env)
  CLIPSValue to;
  switch (TYPE(from))
    case T_NIL:
      to.lexemeValue = CreateSymbol(env, "nil");
    case T_OBJECT:
      rb_warn("Ruby Object not supported as value in CLIPS!");
      to.voidValue = VoidConstant(env);
    case T_CLASS:
      rb_warn("Ruby Class not supported as value in CLIPS!");
      to.voidValue = VoidConstant(env);
    case T_MODULE:
      rb_warn("Ruby Module not supported as value in CLIPS!");
      to.voidValue = VoidConstant(env);
    case T_FLOAT:
      to.floatValue = CreateFloat(env, NUM2DBL(from));
    case T_STRING:
      to.lexemeValue = CreateString(env, StringValueCStr(from));
    case T_REGEXP:
      rb_warn("Ruby Regexp not supported as value in CLIPS!");
      to.voidValue = VoidConstant(env);
    case T_ARRAY:
      long length = RARRAY_LEN(from);

      MultifieldBuilder *mb = CreateMultifieldBuilder(env, length);
      CLIPSValue inner;
      for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        inner = VALUE_to_CLIPSValue(rb_ary_entry(from, i), env);
        MBAppend(mb, &inner);
      to.multifieldValue = MBCreate(mb);

    case T_HASH:
      rb_warn("Ruby Hash not supported as value in CLIPS!");
      to.voidValue = VoidConstant(env);
    case T_STRUCT:
      rb_warn("Ruby Struct not supported as value in CLIPS!");
      to.voidValue = VoidConstant(env);
    case T_BIGNUM:
      to.floatValue = CreateFloat(env, NUM2LONG(from));
    case T_FIXNUM:
      to.integerValue = CreateInteger(env, FIX2INT(from));
    case T_COMPLEX:
      rb_warn("Ruby Complex not supported as value in CLIPS!");
      to.voidValue = VoidConstant(env);
    case T_RATIONAL:
      rb_warn("Ruby Rational not supported as value in CLIPS!");
      to.voidValue = VoidConstant(env);
    case T_FILE:
      rb_warn("Ruby File not supported as value in CLIPS!");
      to.voidValue = VoidConstant(env);
    case T_TRUE:
      to.lexemeValue = CreateBoolean(env, "TRUE");
    case T_FALSE:
      to.lexemeValue = CreateBoolean(env, "FALSE");
    case T_DATA:
      rb_warn("Ruby Data not supported as value in CLIPS!");
      to.voidValue = VoidConstant(env);
    case T_SYMBOL:
      to.lexemeValue = CreateSymbol(env, rb_id2name(SYM2ID(from)));
      rb_warn("Trying to convert unknown Ruby data type to CLIPSValue");
      to.voidValue = VoidConstant(env);
  return to;

Told you so. The nice thing is that this function has only one focus: convert a VALUE that comes from our Ruby environment into a CLIPSValue in our CLIPS environment. We use TYPE to return the type of Ruby VALUE passed in. Our switch statement has as many possible case statements as there are data types in Ruby. Note: I do ignore the types under the section "In addition, there are several other types used internally."

Where there is no like-datatype in CLIPS, we set voidValue on the to struct. We also surface a little warning to the developer letting them know why the Ruby value converted to nil.

Some things to note here. We set lexemeValue on the to struct for boolean values. Also, we use a MultifieldBuilder to build, well, a Multifield. We use a for loop over the length of the array as returned from Ruby's RARRAY_LEN. Inside of that for loop, we do a bit of recursion: we use the VALUE_to_CLIPSValue function to convert the elements of the Ruby array into their matching CLIPSValues. After we create a Multifield from the MultifieldBuilder from MBCreate, we must use MBDispose to free up the memory taken by the MultifieldBuilder.

Actually Using our Conversion Function

So far, we haven't done anything with our Ruby-to-CLIPS data function. Let's do something neat: we'll implement a Ruby method on the CLIPS::Environment that lets us assert a Deftemplate fact from a Ruby hash. Update your Init_clipsruby like so:

void Init_clipsruby(void)
  VALUE rbCLIPS = rb_define_module("CLIPS");
  rb_define_module_function(rbCLIPS, "create_environment", create_environment, 0);

  VALUE rbEnvironment = rb_define_class_under(rbCLIPS, "Environment", rb_cObject);
  rb_define_alloc_func(rbEnvironment, environment_alloc);
  rb_define_singleton_method(rbEnvironment, "assert_string", clips_environment_static_assert_string, 2);
  rb_define_method(rbEnvironment, "assert_string", clips_environment_assert_string, 1);
  rb_define_singleton_method(rbEnvironment, "facts", clips_environment_static_facts, 1);
  rb_define_method(rbEnvironment, "facts", clips_environment_facts, 0);
  rb_define_singleton_method(rbEnvironment, "assert_hash", clips_environment_static_assert_hash, 3);
  rb_define_method(rbEnvironment, "assert_hash", clips_environment_assert_hash, 2);

  VALUE rbFact = rb_define_class_under(rbEnvironment, "Fact", rb_cObject);
  rb_define_singleton_method(rbFact, "deftemplate_name", clips_environment_fact_static_deftemplate_name, 1);
  rb_define_method(rbFact, "deftemplate_name", clips_environment_fact_deftemplate_name, 0);

Now we'll write our two new functions clips_environment_assert_hash and clips_environment_static_assert_hash:

static VALUE clips_environment_assert_hash(VALUE self, VALUE deftemplate_name, VALUE hash)
  const char *cdeftemplate_name;
    case T_SYMBOL:
      cdeftemplate_name = rb_id2name(SYM2ID(deftemplate_name));
    case T_STRING:
      cdeftemplate_name = StringValueCStr(deftemplate_name);
      rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "First argument must be a String or a Symbol");

  Environment *env;
  TypedData_Get_Struct(self, Environment, &Environment_type, env);

  FactBuilder *fb = CreateFactBuilder(env, cdeftemplate_name);
  void *args[2] = { (void *)fb, (void *)env };
  rb_hash_foreach(hash, _clips_environment_assert_hash, (VALUE)args);
  Fact *fact = FBAssert(fb);

  switch (FBError(env))
    case FBE_NO_ERROR:
      rb_warn("Could not assert fact. This might be a bug in clipsruby!");
      return Qnil;
      rb_warn("Could not assert fact. Pattern matching of a fact or instance is already occurring.");
      return Qnil;
      rb_warn("Could not assert fact. An error occurs while the assertion was being processed in the rule network.");
      return Qnil;

  VALUE rb_fact =
    TypedData_Wrap_Struct(rb_const_get(CLASS_OF(self), rb_intern("Fact")), &Fact_type, fact);

  rb_iv_set(rb_fact, "@environment", self);

  return rb_fact;

static VALUE clips_environment_static_assert_hash(VALUE self, VALUE environment, VALUE deftemplate_name, VALUE hash)
  return clips_environment_assert_hash(environment, deftemplate_name, hash);

The first argument we take for this method is the name of a Deftemplate. In order to assert a hash (a collection of named key/value pairs), we use a Deftemplate fact. Deftemplate facts have named slots, so the abstraction fits nicely. If the user passed a string or symbol for the Deftemplate name, we can continue. If not, we use rb_raise to raise an exception in our Ruby application.

Similar to how we used a MultifieldBuilder in our previous function to build a Multifield, we use a FactBuilder to build a Fact. The line void *args[2] = { (void *)fb, (void *)env }; is interesting: we create an array of void pointers, and cast our FactBuilder and Environment to void * types. VALUE is quite a strange thing. We can cast our array of void pointers to a VALUE when we pass it to rb_hash_foreach, and things "just work." This is something similar to what the Ruby source code does in a few places.

Speaking of rb_hash_foreach: the first two arguments to this function are a Ruby hash we want to iterate over, as well as the function that will be called for each key/value pair in that hash. We pass _clips_environment_assert_hash as this second argument. We'll need to implement this next.

Next, we assert the Fact using FBAssert. We capture the pointer to this Fact in fact, and then we free the memory allocated for the FactBuilder using FBDispose.

The following switch statement checks to see if there was an issue asserting our Fact into the CLIPS Environment. I choose to use rb_warn here to display a ruby warning, though it may make sense to raise an exception in the future. Since we don't raise an exception in case of an error, we return nil to our Ruby program. Otherwise, we break from the switch.

Then, we wrap our C struct in a Ruby object. Since self is the Ruby CLIPS::Environment class, rb_const_get(CLASS_OF(self), rb_intern("Fact")) is the Ruby constant CLIPS::Environment::Fact. We then set an instance variable on the Ruby object that points to the CLIPS::Environment the Fact was asserted into. Finally, we return the newly wrapped Ruby object.

Implementing the Iterator Function for rb_hash_foreach

Now we'll need to implement _clips_environment_assert_hash. We'll do this above clips_environment_assert_hash:

static int _clips_environment_assert_hash(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE args)
  const char *cslot_name;
    case T_SYMBOL:
      cslot_name = rb_id2name(SYM2ID(key));
    case T_STRING:
      cslot_name = StringValueCStr(key);
      rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Slot name must be a String or a Symbol");
      return ST_CONTINUE;

  VALUE *fb_and_env = (VALUE*)args;
  FactBuilder *fb = (FactBuilder*) fb_and_env[0];
  Environment *env = (Environment*) fb_and_env[1];
  CLIPSValue cv = VALUE_to_CLIPSValue(value, env);
  handle_pse_error(FBPutSlot(fb, cslot_name, &cv), cslot_name);

  return ST_CONTINUE;

static VALUE clips_environment_assert_hash(VALUE self, VALUE deftemplate_name, VALUE hash)
  const char *cdeftemplate_name;

We first make sure that the key of this key/value pair is a Ruby string or symbol. Converting other things is possible, but would lose fidelity. Thus, I choose to showcase the rb_raise function. This raises an exception in Ruby of the class of the first argument. In this case, we raise a TypeError that's build into Ruby. This seems like a fairly reasonable error to raise. We also return ST_CONTINUE; in this case so that we continue going through the hash key/value pairs.

Next, we convert the args VALUE to a pointer. This means we can use it as an array to get the FactBuilder and Environment pointers we passed in earlier.

The next line uses our VALUE_to_CLIPSValue function to magically convert the value of the hash's key/value pair to a CLIPSValue. When we use FBPutSlot, there is a chance there will be a PSError (put slot error) in our CLIPS Enviornment. For this reason, we will create a handle_pse_error function that will handle the error appropriately. Finally, we make sure that we return ST_CONTINUE.

Here's that handle_pse_error function. We'll put it just above the _clips_environment_assert_hash function for now:

void handle_pse_error(int error, const char *cslot)
  switch (error)
    case PSE_NO_ERROR:
      rb_warn("Could not set slot %s: %s", cslot, "slot/multislot mismatch");
      rb_warn("Could not set slot %s: %s", cslot, "slot not found");
    case PSE_TYPE_ERROR:
      rb_warn("Could not set slot %s: %s", cslot, "value violates type constraint");
      rb_warn("Could not set slot %s: %s", cslot, "value violates range constraint");
      rb_warn("Could not set slot %s: %s", cslot, "value violates allowed values constraint");
      rb_warn("Could not set slot %s: %s", cslot, "value violates allowed classes constraint");
      rb_warn("Could not set slot %s: %s", cslot, "possible bug in clipsruby!");

static int _clips_environment_assert_hash(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE args)
  const char *cslot_name;

We once again use rb_warn. Given our usage of rb_raise earlier, it might make more sense to use that here. I'll leave that choice up to you.

One thing to note here is that rb_warn acts as a printf function; the first argument you pass is a format string, while the following arguments will replace the tokens from the first string. Pretty neat.

One other thing: the bottom 4 case statements "fall through" for a "catch-all." I'm not entirely sure when they would arise, so I just have them do some basic behavior for now.

We Need a Deftemplate

In order to use our assert_hash function, we'll need to create a Deftemplate. The quickest way to do this will be to implement CLIPS's Build function. This lets us "build" contructs like Deftemplates, Rules, etc. in the CLIPS Environment. Add the following to the Init_clipsruby function:

void Init_clipsruby(void)
  VALUE rbCLIPS = rb_define_module("CLIPS");
  rb_define_module_function(rbCLIPS, "create_environment", create_environment, 0);

  VALUE rbEnvironment = rb_define_class_under(rbCLIPS, "Environment", rb_cObject);
  rb_define_alloc_func(rbEnvironment, environment_alloc);
  rb_define_singleton_method(rbEnvironment, "assert_string", clips_environment_static_assert_string, 2);
  rb_define_method(rbEnvironment, "assert_string", clips_environment_assert_string, 1);
  rb_define_singleton_method(rbEnvironment, "facts", clips_environment_static_facts, 1);
  rb_define_method(rbEnvironment, "facts", clips_environment_facts, 0);
  rb_define_singleton_method(rbEnvironment, "assert_hash", clips_environment_static_assert_hash, 3);
  rb_define_method(rbEnvironment, "assert_hash", clips_environment_assert_hash, 2);
  rb_define_singleton_method(rbEnvironment, "build", clips_environment_static_build, 2);
  rb_define_method(rbEnvironment, "build", clips_environment_build, 1);

  VALUE rbFact = rb_define_class_under(rbEnvironment, "Fact", rb_cObject);
  rb_define_singleton_method(rbFact, "deftemplate_name", clips_environment_fact_static_deftemplate_name, 1);
  rb_define_method(rbFact, "deftemplate_name", clips_environment_fact_deftemplate_name, 0);
  rb_define_singleton_method(rbFact, "to_h", clips_environment_fact_static_to_h, 1);
  rb_define_method(rbFact, "to_h", clips_environment_fact_to_h, 0);

  VALUE rbInstance = rb_define_class_under(rbEnvironment, "Instance", rb_cObject);

You know the drill by now. Let's add our new functions above the Init_clipsruby function:

static VALUE clips_environment_build(VALUE self, VALUE string)
  Environment *env;

  TypedData_Get_Struct(self, Environment, &Environment_type, env);

  switch(Build(env, StringValueCStr(string)))
    case BE_NO_ERROR:
      rb_warn("`build` failed!");
      rb_warn("`build` failed! Construct not found.");
      rb_warn("`build` failed! Could not parse string correctly.");

  return Qnil;

static VALUE clips_environment_static_build(VALUE self, VALUE rbEnvironment, VALUE string)
  return clips_environment_build(rbEnvironment, string);

Run make, then update your main.rb file to look like this:


env = CLIPS::Environment.new
env.build("(deftemplate foo (slot bar) (slot baz) (slot bat) (slot buz))")
env.assert_string("(foo (bar 123) (baz something) (bat 4.56) (buz fizz))")
fact = env.assert_hash(:foo, bar: 789, baz: :thing, bat: 3.8, buz: "another thing")
p fact.deftemplate_name
Then you should see something like this when you run it:
$ ruby main.rb
f-1     (foo (bar 123) (baz something) (bat 4.56) (buz fizz))
f-2     (foo (bar 789) (baz thing) (bat 3.8) (buz "another thing"))
For a total of 2 facts.


Alright, nice. We now have functionality that will convert Ruby values into CLIPS values. We demonstrate this by asserting a Ruby hash as a CLIPS Fact. Next article, we'll look at how to convert CLIPS values into Ruby values.

- ryjo