
Write a Ruby C Extension to Use CLIPS from Ruby: Part 1


There's plenty of info online about writing Ruby C Extensions, but why would you want to do so? C is extremely fast, especially when it comes to math. Ruby: not so fast at math. Of course, developer happiness is at the heart of Ruby rather than speed. So then, aside from the perhaps "superficial" reasons of improved speed, one might want to write a C extension to interact with a library already written in C.

In this article, we're going to look at how to write a Ruby C extension that lets the user interact with CLIPS, a programming language used to create Rules Engines and Expert Systems. We'll also discuss some of the things that make Ruby great, including why I think that Ruby is like a framework for the C programming language.

Getting Started with mkmf

We'll use mkmf to create a Makefile for us that'll compile our Ruby C Extension alongside CLIPS. First, we'll download CLIPS into the current directory, extract it, and delete the makefiles that come with it:

$ wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/clipsrules/files/CLIPS/6.40/clips_core_source_640.tar.gz
# ... truncated output ...
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: https://versaweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/clipsrules/CLIPS/6.40/clips_core_source_640.tar.gz [following]
--2022-12-11 16:32:46--  https://versaweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/clipsrules/CLIPS/6.40/clips_core_source_640.tar.gz
Resolving versaweb.dl.sourceforge.net (versaweb.dl.sourceforge.net)...
Connecting to versaweb.dl.sourceforge.net (versaweb.dl.sourceforge.net)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1082012 (1.0M) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: ‘clips_core_source_640.tar.gz’

clips_core_source_640.ta 100%[===============================>]   1.03M  2.97MB/s    in 0.3s

2022-12-11 16:32:51 (2.97 MB/s) - ‘clips_core_source_640.tar.gz’ saved [1082012/1082012]

$ tar --strip-components=2 -xvf clips_core_source_640.tar.gz
# ... truncated output ...

$ rm makefile*

Now create a file named extconf.rb that looks like this:

require 'mkmf'

We'll now create a clipsruby.c file that looks like this:

#include "clips.h"
#include "ruby.h"

void Init_clipsruby(void)
  VALUE rbCLIPS = rb_define_module("CLIPS");

Now run ruby extconf.rb. This creates a Makefile. Easy so far. Run make and watch the extension compile. Once it's done, fire up irb to make sure we can require_relative our new extension:

$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require_relative('./clipsruby')
=> true
irb(main):002:0> CLIPS

Sweet. We can now bring in our C extension, and our Ruby environment knows about the CLIPS module we defined in our Init_clipsruby function by calling rb_define_module.

Interacting With CLIPS

Let's interact with CLIPS via Ruby. For starters, we'll implement CreateEnvironment from CLIPS. This will create a new CLIPS environment that we can assert Facts into, define Rules in, and run. We'll write some C code so that we can run CLIPS.create_environment. Normally in C world, CreateEnvironment would return a pointer to a C struct Environment. In Ruby, you take C structs and "wrap" them. This wrapping provides the ability to specify "setup" and "clean up" functionality that must run when Ruby's Garbage Collector frees up unused memory. This is what I might consider the defining characteristic of Ruby: it provides safety around underlying memory management that would normally be left to the developer to take care of.

Lets define our "wrapping" code for the Environment struct provided by the CLIPS C library:

#include "clips.h"
#include "ruby.h"

void environment_free(void *data)
  DestroyEnvironment((Environment*) data);

size_t environment_size(const void *data)
  return MemUsed((Environment*) data);

static const rb_data_type_t Environment_type = {
  .function = {
    .dfree = environment_free,
    .dsize = environment_size

VALUE environment_alloc(VALUE self)
  return TypedData_Wrap_Struct(self, &Environment_type, CreateEnvironment());

void Init_clipsruby(void)
  VALUE rbCLIPS = rb_define_module("CLIPS");
  VALUE rbEnvironment = rb_define_class_under(rbCLIPS, "Environment", rb_cObject);
  rb_define_alloc_func(rbEnvironment, environment_alloc);

The first thing we will note is our usage of rb_define_class_under to define CLIPS::Environment as a class under the CLIPS module. We tell it to inherit from Ruby's Object class, referred to by rb_cObject.

Next, we define an "allocation" function called environment_alloc. When we create our CLIPS environment with CreateEnvironment, CLIPS allocates memory. Remember that Ruby is awesome at wrapping C structs and representing them as Ruby Objects? That's because it provides lifecycle "hooks" that we can use to do something during the instantiation and garbage collection of an Object. In this way, Ruby is like a framework for the C programming language.

You'll note that we pass the address of Environment_type as the second argument to this function. This struct provides a way for us to "hook into" the lifecycle of an Object in Ruby. In it, we define our memory freeing functionality, as well as a way to check the size of the struct we are wrapping. .flags specifies something that gives us a slight performance boost if we do not unlock the GVL (which we won't in this article). There are other things we can specify in this struct, but in this particular case, they're not needed.

We define our environment_free and environment_size functions above as wrappers around the CLIPS library functions DestroyEnvironment and MemUsed respectively.

So far, the code we've written will only allow us to instantiate a CLIPS::Environment object using CLIPS::Environment.new in our Ruby code. We haven't yet defined our static CLIPS.create_environment method, so let's do that now in clipsruby.c:

#include "clips.h"
#include "ruby.h"

void environment_free(void *data)
  DestroyEnvironment((Environment*) data);

size_t environment_size(const void *data)
  return MemUsed((Environment*) data);

static const rb_data_type_t Environment_type = {
  .function = {
    .dfree = environment_free,
    .dsize = environment_size

VALUE environment_alloc(VALUE self)
  return TypedData_Wrap_Struct(self, &Environment_type, CreateEnvironment());

static VALUE create_environment(VALUE self)
  return environment_alloc(rb_const_get(self, rb_intern("Environment")));

void Init_clipsruby(void)
  VALUE rbCLIPS = rb_define_module("CLIPS");
  rb_define_module_function(rbCLIPS, "create_environment", create_environment, 0);

  VALUE rbEnvironment = rb_define_class_under(rbCLIPS, "Environment", rb_cObject);
  rb_define_alloc_func(rbEnvironment, environment_alloc);

rb_intern lets us pass a C string and returns an ID. This is an internal Ruby thing, and it's used to keep track of Ruby "identifiers." If you're familiar with Ruby's concept of Symbols, think of IDs as the C integer corresponding to the Symbol in Ruby. rb_const_get takes a VALUE which corresponds to a Ruby Class or Module. It also takes an ID that exists within the VALUE we passed as the first argument. The argument passed in to our C function create_environment will be the Class, Module, Object, etc. that the method was invoked on. In our case, we'll be doing CLIPS.create_environment, so that'll be self in our function. Thus, we pass the Ruby constant CLIPS::Environment to environment_alloc in our create_environment C function. It follows that, when called from Ruby, this function will return an instance of CLIPS::Enviornment. Beautiful. Finally, we use rb_define_module_function to define a function in our CLIPS module named create_environment which calls our create_environment C function and passes 0 arguments.

For easier testing purposes, let's create a main.rb file that we'll use to quickly test our extension:


p CLIPS::Environment.new
p CLIPS.create_environment

Running make will detect changes to the clipsruby.c which is nice. We won't have to re-compile CLIPS each time we make changes to our extension! We can test things out by doing ruby main.rb. We should see output that looks like this:

$ ruby main.rb

Asserting Facts

We'll define two methods that we'll use to wrap CLIPS's AssertString C function. One will be a "class method" for the CLIPS::Environment class, and the other will be an "instance method" for instances of the CLIPS::Environment class. We'll return a new Ruby Object from these methods of the class CLIPS::Environment::Fact that will wrap Fact structs defined in the CLIPS C library.

Update your clipsruby.c file's Init_clipsruby function so that it looks like this:

void Init_clipsruby(void)
  VALUE rbCLIPS = rb_define_module("CLIPS");
  rb_define_module_function(rbCLIPS, "create_environment", create_environment, 0);

  VALUE rbEnvironment = rb_define_class_under(rbCLIPS, "Environment", rb_cObject);
  rb_define_alloc_func(rbEnvironment, environment_alloc);
  rb_define_singleton_method(rbEnvironment, "assert_string", clips_environment_static_assert_string, 2);
  rb_define_method(rbEnvironment, "assert_string", clips_environment_assert_string, 1);

  VALUE rbFact = rb_define_class_under(rbEnvironment, "Fact", rb_cObject);

We use rb_define_singleton_method and rb_define_method to define a class method and instance method on CLIPS::Environment respectively. The first method will take two arguments: the first will be an instance of CLIPS::Environment, the second will be a String holding a Fact. It'll look something like "(foo bar)". The second method is an instance method. This means we can call it on an instance of CLIPS::Environment. Since we call it on an instance, we already have the Environment in which to assert our Fact, so we only need 1 argument for the String.

We also use rb_define_class_under to define our Fact class.

Alright, let's write our clips_environment_assert_string and clips_environment_static_assert_string functions. Add these lines above your Init_clipsruby function in clipsruby.c:

static VALUE clips_environment_assert_string(VALUE self, VALUE string)
  Environment *env;

  TypedData_Get_Struct(self, Environment, &Environment_type, env);

  Fact *fact = AssertString(env, StringValueCStr(string));

  VALUE rb_fact =
    TypedData_Wrap_Struct(rb_const_get(CLASS_OF(self), rb_intern("Fact")), &Fact_type, fact);

  rb_iv_set(rb_fact, "@environment", self);

  return rb_fact;

static VALUE clips_environment_static_assert_string(VALUE self, VALUE rbEnvironment, VALUE string)
  return clips_environment_assert_string(rbEnvironment, string);

We'll look at clips_environment_assert_string first. The first argument is the instance of the CLIPS::Environment we are calling this on. We'll "unwrap" the Ruby object to get the Environment struct inside using TypedData_Get_Struct. In order to "unwrap" the object, we must pass:

  1. The Ruby Object itself
  2. The identifier of the underlying struct
  3. A pointer to the struct we created earlier with metadata for memory setup/teardown
  4. A declared pointer variable that'll receive the unwrapped Environment

We then use the unwrapped Environment to assert the string passed as the second argument to clips_environment_assert_string. We use StringValueCStr to convert the Ruby string to a C string.

Just like in environment_alloc, we'll use TypedData_Wrap_Struct to create our newly asserted Fact struct. We want to use the class we created in our Init_clipsruby function called CLIPS::Environment::Fact, so we make use of rb_const_get again. This time, though, we must use CLASS_OF to convert the variable self into a Ruby class. Right now, self is the instance of a CLIPS::Environment, and rb_const_get expects a class.

You'll note we assume a struct called Fact_type exists. We'll create this in our next step. For now, let's finish reading through this function.

rb_iv_set provides a way for us to set an instance variable on our newly wrapped CLIPS::Environment::Fact instance. We'll store the environment in which the fact is asserted as the instance variable @environment on the CLIPS::Environment::Fact object.

A somewhat neat pattern emerges when we want to create a static method on the CLIPS::Environment class. We can call the clips_environment_assert_string function we just wrote in clips_environment_static_assert_string. This is the same pattern that can be used in Ruby for writing static wrapping class functions that take an instance of the class as its first argument sort-of like this:

class Foo
  def self.bar(foo)

  def bar
    p "Bar!"


Alright, let's implement Fact_type. Write this in your clipsruby.c above the previous two functions.

size_t fact_size(const void *data)
  return sizeof(Fact);

static const rb_data_type_t Fact_type = {
  .function = {
    .dsize = fact_size

This struct is much simpler than our Environment_type struct. That's because the memory used to store the Fact is managed by CLIPS, so we don't need to specify any kind of clean up functionality. We define fact_size here to get the size of the Fact struct, but this may not be the best approach. At any rate, we don't necessarily need to specify .dsize, so if you don't like this approach, just remove the .function block altogether. From the official Ruby website:

You can pass 0 as dsize if it is hard to implement such a function. But it is still recommended to avoid 0.

Let's test this out. Update your main.rb so that it looks like this:


env = CLIPS::Environment.new
p env.assert_string("(foo bar)")
p CLIPS::Environment.assert_string(env, "(baz bat)")

Run this with ruby main.rb and your console output should look something like this:

$ ruby main.rb
#<CLIPS::Environment::Fact:0x00007f75aea4f0f8 @environment=#<CLIPS::Environment:0x00007f75aea4f2d8>>
#<CLIPS::Environment::Fact:0x00007f75aea4e9a0 @environment=#<CLIPS::Environment:0x00007f75aea4f2d8>>

Checking Our Work

We can assert facts, but how do we see which facts are in our environment? We'll wrap the Facts function. This acts like (facts) in CLIPS, and it will write out to STDOUT all of the facts in our environment. Update the Init_clipsruby function in your clipsruby.c file like so:

void Init_clipsruby(void)
  VALUE rbCLIPS = rb_define_module("CLIPS");
  rb_define_module_function(rbCLIPS, "create_environment", create_environment, 0);

  VALUE rbEnvironment = rb_define_class_under(rbCLIPS, "Environment", rb_cObject);
  rb_define_alloc_func(rbEnvironment, environment_alloc);
  rb_define_singleton_method(rbEnvironment, "assert_string", clips_environment_static_assert_string, 2);
  rb_define_method(rbEnvironment, "assert_string", clips_environment_assert_string, 1);
  rb_define_singleton_method(rbEnvironment, "facts", clips_environment_static_facts, 1);
  rb_define_method(rbEnvironment, "facts", clips_environment_facts, 0);

  VALUE rbFact = rb_define_class_under(rbEnvironment, "Fact", rb_cObject);

Now we need to implement clips_environment_static_facts and clips_environment_facts above our Init_clipsruby function:

static VALUE clips_environment_facts(VALUE self)
  Environment *env;

  TypedData_Get_Struct(self, Environment, &Environment_type, env);

  Facts(env, "stdout", NULL, -1, -1, -1);

  return self;

static VALUE clips_environment_static_facts(VALUE self, VALUE rbEnvironment)
  return clips_environment_facts(rbEnvironment);

Update your main.rb file so that it looks like this:


env = CLIPS::Environment.new
env.assert_string("(foo bar)")
CLIPS::Environment.assert_string(env, "(baz bat)")

Now running ruby main.rb should look something like this:

$ ruby main.rb
f-1     (foo bar)
f-2     (baz bat)
For a total of 2 facts.
f-1     (foo bar)
f-2     (baz bat)
For a total of 2 facts.

Nice, looks like our class and instance methods work as expected. Note that we do not have to use Ruby's p method to print out our facts. We've implemented our facts method to print to stdout from CLIPS.

Getting Slots and their Values from CLIPS::Environment::Fact Objects

Let's explore some ways in which we can shuttle the value of Fact slots between Ruby and CLIPS. Since both languages are written in C, we can use the C space to translate the underlying C values into objects that their respective languages understand.

We'll start with something easy: let's write functionality to return the name of a Fact's Deftemplate. In CLIPS, a Deftemplate is named by the first word in a Fact. Something like (foo a b c) would have foo as the name of its Deftemplate. Update your Init_clipsruby function in your clipsruby.c file:

void Init_clipsruby(void)
  VALUE rbCLIPS = rb_define_module("CLIPS");
  rb_define_module_function(rbCLIPS, "create_environment", create_environment, 0);

  VALUE rbEnvironment = rb_define_class_under(rbCLIPS, "Environment", rb_cObject);
  rb_define_alloc_func(rbEnvironment, environment_alloc);
  rb_define_singleton_method(rbEnvironment, "assert_string", clips_environment_static_assert_string, 2);
  rb_define_method(rbEnvironment, "assert_string", clips_environment_assert_string, 1);
  rb_define_singleton_method(rbEnvironment, "facts", clips_environment_static_facts, 1);
  rb_define_method(rbEnvironment, "facts", clips_environment_facts, 0);

  VALUE rbFact = rb_define_class_under(rbEnvironment, "Fact", rb_cObject);
  rb_define_singleton_method(rbFact, "deftemplate_name", clips_environment_fact_static_deftemplate_name, 1);
  rb_define_method(rbFact, "deftemplate_name", clips_environment_fact_deftemplate_name, 0);

We're using a naming scheme here for our function names; clips_environment_fact_static_deftemplate_name is a mouthful, but it clearly describes "we are making a static method on the CLIPS::Environment::Fact class called deftemplate_name." This clarity will only help us in the future.

Speaking of long-winded function names: let's implement clips_environment_fact_static_deftemplate_name and clips_environment_fact_deftemplate_name above our Init_clipsruby function:

static VALUE clips_environment_deftemplate_name(VALUE self)
  Fact *fact;

  TypedData_Get_Struct(self, Fact, &Fact_type, fact);

  return ID2SYM(rb_intern(DeftemplateName(FactDeftemplate(fact))));

static VALUE clips_environment_static_deftemplate_name(VALUE self, VALUE rbFact)
  return clips_environment_deftemplate_name(rbFact);

FactDeftemplate and DeftemplateName are provided by the CLIPS C library. FactDeftemplate takes an argument Fact* and returns a Deftemplate*. In CLIPS, Deftemplates are kind-of like classes in Object Oriented Programming. You can define named slots, and slot order is not dependent unlike non-deftemplate facts asserted. For example, (foo (bar "Bar!") (baz "Baz!")) and (foo (baz "Baz!") (bar "Bar!")) are the same, while (foo a b c) is different than (foo b c a). In both cases, the Deftemplate's name would be foo.

We pass the C string "foo" returned from DeftemplateName to Ruby's rb_intern which converts it into a Ruby ID. We then pass this Ruby ID to ID2SYM, a Ruby C function that converts IDs to Ruby symbols.

Let's update our main.rb file to look like this:


env = CLIPS::Environment.new
fact = env.assert_string("(foo bar)")
p fact.deftemplate_name
p CLIPS::Environment::Fact.deftemplate_name(fact)

Now you can do make; ruby main.rb and look at the output:

$ make; ruby main.rb
compiling clipsruby.c
linking shared-object clipsruby.so


This has been the first part of a small series in writing a Ruby C Extension, specifically for leveraging CLIPS. I'm excited to continue on with a few more of these, detailing some awesome things including translating between Ruby and CLIPS values seamlessly. Stay tuned!

- ryjo