
Creating CI/CD Pipelines


This article is long. If you want to get to the meat and potatoes of it, give the scripts in the rails_new repo a looksee.

We're going to take a quick pit stop before continuing on with our discussion of hosting your own git server. I realized after I'd completed the article that the concepts I discuss were based on hypotheticals. This might be alright and get my point across, but I think it's beneficial to be rooted somewhat in reality when discussing programming concepts. Afterall, I believe we should write code for the features we have, not the features we may have someday.

If you're following along with the madness that is my blog, you've already got a git server hosting our installable rails package. This is great for development on your local dev's machines, and has set us up for really easy deployments.

Before this, though, we'll need an environment into which we can deploy our code. I've found that it's very tempting to manually set up production/staging/development environments by creating ec2 instances, sshing in to them to update the OS and install your application's dependencies (nginx, php, ruby, node, what-have-you). Then you need to get your application's code onto that ec2 instance. Perhaps you install git and git pull the latest, maybe you use sftp/scp to manually copy your application's files.

And then you add a new feature to your application. What do you do? Do you ssh onto that same ec2 instance and pull the latest code? sftp the latest file up there? When do you run your database migrations? Do you put your application into "maintenance mode," causing downtime for your users? Gross.

What if we automated these steps? Instead of doing everything manually, we write some scripts that build our architecture and deploy our application. Not only does this avoid application downtime, but we pave the road for more advanced features of a CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous deployment) pipeline, such as spinning up temporary environments to test our experimental feature branches.

Just a heads up: I will use AWS as my deployment platform of choice. If you want to do something else, that's totally fine. The concepts I use here are universal, it's just that the aws cli is so darned convenient. Wherever you host your code, just make sure they give you a way to build your infrastructure via the command line.

Enough talk. Let's code.

Plan First, Code Later

Er, I mean, let's plan.

Alright, it sounds far less fun, but planning what you're going to do ahead of time can actually save you from writing too much code.

Our rails application is very easy. It doesn't have any requirements outside of a running machine that has ruby and node installed on it. For this reason, we'll create a snapshot of a virtual machine that we can use in any environment as a base for our application.

The Time Has Come To Templatize!

Let's first start on the script that will create our base machine image which we'll use to spin up other ec2 instances. In AWS language, this image is called an "AMI."

This image will have dependencies that we'll need in every environment. First, we'll want to update the Ubuntu system with the latest packages. Then we'll need ruby and node. I've covered a lot of this ground in my previous article, so I may gloss over some of the details:

aws ec2 create-key-pair \
  --key-name rails-new-template-key \
  --query 'KeyMaterial' \
  --output text \
  > ~/.aws/rails-new-template-key.pem
chmod 400 ~/.aws/rails-new-template-key.pem

This first command creates an ssh key pair that we'll use to ssh into our ec2 instance. Pretty straight forward! Let's move on:

security_group=$(aws ec2 create-security-group \
  --group-name rails-new-template \
  --description "Rails New Template" |
  jq ".GroupId" -r)

Here we create a security group. We save the GroupId of this security group by wrapping the command in security_group=$(). This is a universal way to save the output of a command in a variable. You'll also notice we're using our old pal jq to parse the json response from AWS and only get the GroupId.

Now we'll attach an "ingress rule" to $security_group that'll open up port 22 for our IP address:

aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
  --group-id "$security_group" \
  --cidr \
  --port 22 \
  --protocol tcp

You'll notice I use in place of my actual IP address. You can use your favorite search engine to find out what your public-facing IP address is. You can also take a look at the little script I wrote that gets your public IP from DuckDuckGo.

Now we'll look for the latest version of Ubuntu Cosmic 18.10 available as an AMI:

ami=$(aws ec2 describe-images \
  --owners 099720109477 \
  --filters 'Name=name,
    Values=ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-cosmic-18.10-amd64-server*' |
  jq '.Images | sort_by(.CreationDate) | last(.[]) | .ImageId' -r)

Just like with the security group, we save the ImageId we find in the variable $ami. We also use a slightly more complex jq command to sort the found Images by CreationDate and get the last result. In other words: we get the most recent ami.

Alright, now let's run an instance using this found ami image id, assigning the key pair and security group we created previously to it:

instance_id=$(aws ec2 run-instances \
  --image-id "$ami" \
  --count 1 \
  --instance-type t2.micro \
  --key-name rails-new-key \
  --security-group-ids "$security_group" \
  jq '.Instances | first(.[]).InstanceId' -r)

Pretty straight forward, eh? Now we need to wait for this machine to finish starting so that we can get its public IP address. We'll use bash's while loop for this purpose:

while [ "$instance_ip_address" == "" ]
  sleep 1
  instance_ip_address=$(aws ec2 describe-instances \
    --filters "Name=instance-id,Values=$instance_id,Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" |
    jq ".Reservations[].Instances | first(.[]) | .PublicIpAddress" -r)

Basically, we break out of the loop if $instance_ip_address is ever set to anything other than "". This loop first sleeps for 1 second. It then attempts to find an instance with the id $instance_id that is also running. This will mean it has a public IP address. You can toy around with the amount of time that you sleep here or even choose to not sleep, but this works!

I've also found it beneficial to artificially wait for a minute longer since sometimes the server will refuse the ssh connection if you try it too soon after the ec2 instance comes up:

sleep 1m

Once we get the public IP address, we can update the machine and install our dependencies onto it with ssh using the key pair we created earlier:

ssh -i ~/.aws/rails-new-template-key.pem ubuntu@"$instance_ip_address" "sudo apt-get update;
  sudo apt-get upgrade;
  sudo apt-get install nodejs ruby bundler zlib1g-dev libsqlite3-dev nginx"

I choose not to use rvm or nvm to install non-default versions of ruby or node respectively. I think these are great tools for environments that will need multiple version of ruby or node available. For example, developers may have many different code bases that require different versions of these binaries. Our ec2 instance, however, will only ever use one version to run our application. For this reason, consider either installing the version you need specifically using snap or NodeSource respectively.

Alright, we've crafted the perfect machine that can run our application. Any other customizations we'd do to it would be environment-specific, so let's take a snapshot here:

aws ec2 create-image \
  --instance-id "$instance_id" \
  --name rails-new-template |
  jq -r '.ImageId'

Nice. This will start creating a snapshot of your running instance. You can check when the AMI is done doing this by checking its state:

aws ec2 describe-images \
  --filters "Name=name,Values=rails-new-template" "Name=is-public,Values=false" |
  jq 'first(.Images[]).State'

Once it's listed as "available," it's safe to tear down that ec2 instance:

aws ec2 terminate-instances \
  --instance-ids "$instance_id"

We also have a security group floating around out there. It'll take a little before we can delete it since we just terminated the instance it was attached to, so we'll loop until it returns a 0 exit status:

while ! aws ec2 delete-security-group \
  --group-id "$security_group"
    sleep 1

Back To Planning

Alright, so now we have the ability to spin up instances that we can install the built deb file for rails_new. We don't even need to worry about RDS because our database...

Wait... our database. Right now, we're using SQLite which is storing our database in a file (db/development.sqlite3 by default for our development environments). This file will disappear when we re-deploy our code since it's just a file sitting on the ec2 instance. How embarrassing; if we want to deploy new code, we'll lose all of our app's data.

Luckily for us, AWS provides a bunch of different detachable storage solutions. The one I was most familiar with was EBS. Consider this a detachable harddrive that can be re-attached to any ec2 instance in the future.

Hold up. Unfortunately, EBS volumes can only be mounted on one ec2 instance at a time. Why is this a problem? Ideally, we'd like "zero downtime deployments," meaning the user's experience will never be interrupted. If we use EBS volumes, our steps for deploying a new version of our application would have to look like:

  1. Spin up a new ec2 instance
  2. Unmount the EBS volume from the old ec2 instance
  3. Remount the EBS volume from the old ec2 instance
  4. Point the DNS entry at the new ec2 instance
  5. Terminate the old ec2 instance

This leaves some downtime around the "Unmount" and "Point the DNS entry" steps. Wouldn't it be nice if the above steps could look like this instead?:

  1. Spin up a new ec2 instance
  2. Mount the detachable volume on the new ec2 instance
  3. Point the DNS entry at the new ec2 instance
  4. Terminate the old ec2 instance

Ahhh... that sweet sweet uptime. Now our users will never notice a moment lost. One thing to keep in mind: the above process assumes you're making "backwards compatible" database changes. Basically, this means the old code and new code can run on the current database structure simultaneously. This will require developers to be mindful when creating new features, but will be worth it; if we do things this way, our users won't experience any odd behavior in the time that it takes the DNS entry to switch over to the new ec2 instance.

What Do?

Now that we've established that EBS volumes are probably not the right solution for this, let's explore other options. Luckily for us, AWS has many different storage solutions. One of these is Elastic File System (EFS). From their website, Amazon says "You can use an EFS file system as a common data source for workloads and applications running on multiple instances." Perfect.

We'll follow the steps listed in Amazon's docs for setting up EFS on an ec2 instance. I'll sum up what they have written there.

Creating Environment-Specific AMIs

First, we need to create two security groups; the first one we'll create is for the ec2 instance that will run our rails_new project:

security_group_ec2=$(aws ec2 create-security-group \
  --group-name rails-new-production \
  --description "Rails New Production" |
  jq ".GroupId" -r)

You'll note here that we are once again saving the output of this command to security_group_ec2. We'll later use this variable in our script to easily apply it to our ec2 instance.

Also note that we're calling this "production." I think it's wise to first aim to set up your production environment since it'll be the "gold standard" for all other environments after it. All of your other environments should be mimicking production as much as possible. That way, you'll have higher confidence that you code is "production ready" because you'll be testing in "production-like" environments.

That's a lot of use of the word "production."

Ok, one more: "Production."


Now, we'll create one for the EFS "mount target." A "mount target" is simply something that gives a public IP to our File System so that it's accessible over the network:

security_group_efs=$(aws ec2 create-security-group \
  --group-name rails-new-efs \
  --description "Rails New Production EFS Mount Target" |
  jq ".GroupId" -r)

Hi, variable security_group_efs! Nice to meet you. I'm ryjo. Please hold the security group id that we'll use to apply to our efs "mount target." Thanks!

Now we'll add an ingress rule for the ec2 security group that'll let us ssh into the machine as well as one that will let us see our running rails app over http:

aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
  --group-id "$security_group_ec2" \
  --cidr \
  --port 22 \
  --protocol tcp

aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
  --group-id "$security_group_ec2" \
  --cidr \
  --port 3000 \
  --protocol tcp

The idea here is that, after we do this initial environment setup, we'll have a working environment. All subsequent deploys to this environment will not have to run through the initial steps; we'll just re-use $security_group_ec2 for all the new ec2 instances.

Also note that we use port 3000 for our http server. This is the port our app is currently running on. You could make this use port 80 by specifying From and To ports, or you could use something like nginx to port forward for you. For the sake of this article's length, we'll keep this short and just use port 3000. Check out AWS's documentation to read up on how to do the former. In the rails_new create_environment script, I've chosen to do the latter.

EFS is basically Network File System (NFS) behind the scenes. NFS uses port 2049 by default, so we'll make a rule in the "mount target's" security group to allow inbound traffic on this port:

aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
  --group-id "$security_group_efs" \
  --source-group "$security_group_ec2" \
  --port 2049 \
  --protocol tcp

Woah, ok, we did something kind of cool in this last comment. We authorized ec2 instances that have the $security_group_ec2 security group applied to them to use this ingress rule instead of specifying an ip range using the --cidr flag. This is really awesome. This means we won't have to get the ip address of every ec2 instance we start and create an ingress rule for it.

Alright, it's time to spin up our ec2 instance that'll run our rails_new app. Let's first create a key pair:

aws ec2 create-key-pair \
  --key-name rails-new-production-key \
  --query 'KeyMaterial' \
  --output text \
  > ~/.aws/rails-new-production-key.pem
chmod 400 ~/.aws/rails-new-production-key.pem

Remember way back in our first script? It should have output an AMI image id that we can use to spin up our first rails_new production ec2 instance. Since this is a different script, I'm going to hardcode this as ami-00000000000000000:

instance_id=$(aws ec2 run-instances \
  --image-id ami-00000000000000000 \
  --count 1 \
  --instance-type t2.micro \
  --key-name rails-new-key \
  --security-group-ids "$security_group_ec2" \
  --tag-specifications 'ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=rails-new-production}]' |
  jq '.Instances | first(.[]).InstanceId' -r)

We store the output of this command into the instance_id variable. Additionally, we name this instance "rails-new-production" using the --tag-specifications flag.

Alright, now we'll create a file system and save its id into yet another variable:

file_system_id=$(aws efs create-file-system \
  --creation-token RailsNewProductionFileSystem \
  --tags Key=Name,Value=rails-new-production-file-system |
  jq '.FileSystemId' -r)

We've now created a file system, but we have no way of mounting it. We'll create a mount target for this file system so that we can go into our ec2 instance and "mount" it. This will give our filesystem a public IP address and DNS name by which we'll mount it.

First, we'll need to get a subnet in which to place it. I'll choose the default subnet to keep it simple:

subnet=$(aws ec2 describe-subnets \
  --filters='Name=default-for-az,Values=true' |
  jq -r '.Subnets | first(.[]).SubnetId')

Then we'll create the mount target:

aws efs create-mount-target \
  --file-system-id "$file_system_id" \
  --security-group "$security_group_efs" \
  --subnet-id "$subnet"

'Tis a thing of beauty. The command line is so powerful. By doing this, we've allowed our ec2 instance to mount our filesystem via port 2049.

Now the Really Fun Part: Mounting an NFS Volume

Now, we must mount this file system in the ec2 instance using the mount target. First, if you're unaware, "mounting" means making a storage device available in the directory structure. Simple as that. Once we "mount" this device, we'll be able to access it somewhere by cding into it, ls to get its contents, and even touch or rm to modify stuff.

First, we should ssh into our ec2 instance. Let's get its IP address first:

while [ "$instance_ip_address" == "" ]
  sleep 1
  instance_ip_address=$(aws ec2 describe-instances \
    --filters "Name=instance-id,Values=$instance_id,Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" |
    jq ".Reservations[].Instances | first(.[]) | .PublicIpAddress" -r)

Ah, our old friend while. We used this in our first script to get the ip address of our base ec2 instance, so it should be familiar. We'll use the $instance_ip_address to first install the package nfs-common. We'll then use this package to mount our nfs file system:

ssh -i ~/.aws/rails-new-production-key.pem ubuntu@"$instance_ip_address" \
  "sudo apt-get install nfs-common;
   sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/rails-new/db
   sudo mount \
     -t nfs \
     -o nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport \
     $file_system_id.efs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/ /var/lib/rails-new/db"

Alright, that's a lot of stuff we just did. The trickiest part is probably the mount command. I won't lie: I straight-up copied the command from the AWS documentation. The -t flag specifies that this is indeed an nfs file system. We then use the -o command to pass a bunch of extra options. There's a lot of them, so I recommend reading through man mount to figure out what they do. Honestly, this article is already long enough. Consider it homework.

$file_system_id.efs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com is the URL our filesystem is available at. This is always the case with EFS. You may find that, in a script, this URL may not be available right away. That's because DNS takes a little bit to propagate, and it may be the case that it's not available for that mount target yet. In that case, you can use the IP address of the mount target instead. You can find that by doing:

aws efs describe-mount-targets \
  --file-system-id "$file_system_id" |
  jq 'first(.MountTargets[]) | select(.IpAddress!=null) | .IpAddress' -r

That... that's it. Yep. We should now have access to this file system on this ec2 instance. We'll create an AMI based on this image so we can use it for future deployments:

aws ec2 create-image \
  --instance-id "$instance_id" \
  --name rails-new-production-template |
  jq -r '.ImageId'

Ok, let's review how we install the database for rails_new on ubuntu-based machines. We create a directory at /var/lib/rails-new/db, and then the app knows to use this directory based on the links we create. Now, instead of creating this directory using the dirs file, we create it when we mount the NFS volume.

We can now use this AMI when we start up instances for rails_new! Woo! In this particular case, we already have an instance running, so we'll use it for the rest of the setup process.

We'll build the deb file for rails_new and install it on this machine. Back on our local machine:

debuild --no-tgz-check
scp -i ~/.aws/rails-new-production-key.pem ../rails-new_0.0.0_all.deb ubuntu@"$instance_ip_address":~
ssh -i ~/.aws/rails-new-production-key.pem ubuntu@"$instance_ip_address" "sudo dpkg -i rails-new_0.0.0_all.deb"

Since this is our first install of rails_new, we'll need to initialize the database to create it. We won't need to do this for subsequent deploys since the old db file should be available in the EFS volume:

ssh -i ~/.aws/rails-new-key.pem "cd /usr/lib/rails-new && rails db:create"

Boom! You should now be able to access the running rails app in your web browser by going to http://$instance_ip_address. But... ugh, yuck, who remembers IP addresses these days?

What's In a Name?

One more thing we need to do is create a DNS entry for our server. I'm using Route 53, yet another aws hosted service. We'll use this to create a subdomain on a domain that we already own and point it at our new environment. We'll want to use aws route53 change-resource-record-sets. This command is a little more advanced than previous commands, but we can do it. We'll want to create an A name record which maps an IP address to an easily remembered URL.

The way that aws route53 change-resource-record-sets works is you pass it a json string that describes an acton you want to take on a resource (a name record). It might be a little daunting at first, but what's cool about this command is we can generate sample json strings and take a look at them by doing the following:

aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --generate-cli-skeleton

Let's check out one possible output from this command:

  "HostedZoneId": "",
  "ChangeBatch": {
    "Comment": "",
    "Changes": [
        "Action": "UPSERT",
        "ResourceRecordSet": {
          "Name": "",
          "Type": "A",
          "SetIdentifier": "",
          "Weight": 0,
          "Region": "ap-northeast-2",
          "GeoLocation": {
            "ContinentCode": "",
            "CountryCode": "",
            "SubdivisionCode": ""
          "Failover": "PRIMARY",
          "MultiValueAnswer": true,
          "TTL": 0,
          "ResourceRecords": [
              "Value": ""
          "AliasTarget": {
            "HostedZoneId": "",
            "DNSName": "",
            "EvaluateTargetHealth": true
          "HealthCheckId": "",
          "TrafficPolicyInstanceId": ""

Conveniently, this is part of the way towards what we'd like to do: we want to create an "A" record, and we can see from this that ResourceRecordSet.Type is A. Before this, we see that the Action is UPSERT. This means if the record already exists, it'll update it. If not, it'll create it. We'll change ours to a CREATE so that we'll be explicit about what we're trying to do (which is initialize an environment).

To get the value of HostedZoneId, you can use aws route53 list-hosted-zones. For example, if you only have one hosted zone:

aws route53 list-hosted-zones |
  jq '.HostedZones[0].Id'

I'll use /hostedzone/0000000000000 to represent the output of this command.

Reviewing this, we probably don't need to specify a bunch of these fields. By process of elimination (aka trying everything until something worked), I whittled down what we need to the following:

  "HostedZoneId": "/hostedzone/0000000000000",
  "ChangeBatch": {
    "Comment": "",
    "Changes": [
        "Action": "CREATE",
        "ResourceRecordSet": {
          "Name": "rails-new.ryjo.codes.",
          "Type": "A",
          "SetIdentifier": "Rails New",
          "Region": "us-east-1",
          "TTL": 0,
          "ResourceRecords": [
              "Value": ""

An interesting thing about change-resource-record-sets is we can specify our json structure in two ways: one using --cli-input-json, the other --hosted-zone-id in conjunction with --change-batch. Note the HostedZoneId and ChangeBatch properties in the above JSON. Because we specify these in the JSON object, we can use this as an argument to --cli-input-json. We could also opt to store our JSON object in a separate file and pass the path of that file to --change-batch. We would also pass /hostedzone/0000000000000 to --hosted-zone-id in this case. Our command would look something like this:

aws ec2 change-resource-record-sets \
  --hosted-zone-id "/hostedzone/0000000000000" \
  --change-batch "file://dns.json"

...and then we'd have a dns.json file stored in the same directory that looks like this:

  "Comment": "",
  "Changes": [
      "Action": "CREATE",
      "ResourceRecordSet": {
        "Name": "rails-new.ryjo.codes.",
        "Type": "A",
        "SetIdentifier": "Rails New",
        "Region": "us-east-1",
        "TTL": 0,
        "ResourceRecords": [
            "Value": ""

It'd be nice to use this method because it would keep our json in a separate file. Organization! However, then we wouldn't be able to replace some of the properties in this json programmatically, such as Value and Name which we'll pass the ec2 instance's IP address and environment-specific dns record respectively. Here is what our implementation will look like:

hz=$(aws route53 list-hosted-zones | jq -r '.HostedZones[0].Id')
function jsontemplate() {
  cat << JSON 
  "HostedZoneId": "$hz",
  "ChangeBatch": {
    "Comment": "",
    "Changes": [
        "Action": "CREATE",
        "ResourceRecordSet": {
          "Name": "rails-new-$environment.ryjo.codes.",
          "Type": "A",
          "SetIdentifier": "Rails New",
          "Region": "us-east-1",
          "TTL": 0,
          "ResourceRecords": [
              "Value": ""

aws route53 change-resource-record-sets \
  --cli-input-json "$(jsontemplate)"

Ahhh... our old friend cat << FOO. If you recall from a previous article, this basically signifies we're returning a multi-line string to STDOUT. We use this in order to make use of the $hz and $environment variables in our script. We then use "$(jsontemplate)" to call the jsontemplate function and use what it returns as the value of argument --cli-input-json. Assuming we save the above in a file foo.sh, this means we can create a new environment-specific DNS record rails-new-staging.ryjo.codes that points at by doing ./foo.sh staging.

Hmm... but what about production? Do we really want rails-new-production.ryjo.codes? Probably not. Let's fix that:

hz=$(aws route53 list-hosted-zones | jq -r '.HostedZones[0].Id')
if [ -z "$1" ]
function jsontemplate() {
  cat << JSON 
  "HostedZoneId": "$hz",
  "ChangeBatch": {
    "Comment": "",
    "Changes": [
        "Action": "CREATE",
        "ResourceRecordSet": {
          "Name": "$dns_entry",
          "Type": "A",
          "SetIdentifier": "Rails New $environment",
          "Region": "us-east-1",
          "TTL": 0,
          "ResourceRecords": [
              "Value": ""

aws route53 change-resource-record-sets \
  --cli-input-json "$(jsontemplate)"

We'll only pass an argument to ./foo.sh if we want to create an environment other than production. Obviously you may want to investigate tr to fix up $1 before setting it as part of the DNS record, perhaps replacing some characters that would make an invalid URL. Again, I leave this as a bit of homework for you.

We should now be able to get to rails-new.ryjo.codes:3000 in our browsers! Woo! Well, I should, anyway. You'd obviously use your own domain.

Feature Requests, Bug Fixes and More

Eventually, you'll write new code for your application. Let's examine a script that'll deploy a new version of our code with zero downtime. I'm going to fly through these first few steps since they are pretty much the same as the environment initialization step. First, make a change to the codebase that you can easily tell something happened. For example, you could create a homepage that displays something other than the default Rails page. Next, we'll build the new version of our application:

debuild --no-tgz-check 

This way, if there's anything wrong with our tests, we can stop before we do something in AWS that we'd have to revert.

Now we'll look for our environment-specific AMI:

ami=$(aws ec2 describe-images \
  --filters "Name=name,Values=rails-new-production-template" "Name=is-public,Values=false" |
  jq ".Images | first(.[]).ImageId" -r)

...and the security group used to ssh into the machine and http our deployed application:

security_group_ec2=$(aws ec2 describe-security-groups \
  --group-names "rails-new-production-ec2" | 
  jq -r '.SecurityGroups | first(.[]).GroupId' -r)

Believe it or not, we can just create a new ec2 instance now:

instance_id=$(aws ec2 run-instances \
  --image-id "$ami" \
  --count 1 \
  --instance-type t2.micro \
  --key-name "rails-new-production-key" \
  --security-group-ids "$security_group_ec2" \
  --tag-specifications "ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=$instance_name}]" |
  jq '.Instances | first(.[]).InstanceId' -r)

...and wait for that machine to have an IP address:

while [ "$instance_ip_address" == "" ]
  sleep 1
  instance_ip_address=$(aws ec2 describe-instances \
    --filters "Name=instance-id,Values=$instance_id" "Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" |
    jq ".Reservations[].Instances | first(.[]) | .PublicIpAddress" -r)
sleep 1m

Oky doke. Now let's copy our build deb to the ec2 instance and install it:

scp -i ~/.aws/rails-new-production-key.pem rails-new_0.0.0_all.deb ubuntu@"$instance_ip_address":~
ssh -i ~/.aws/rails-new-production-key.pem ubuntu@"$instance_ip_address" "sudo dpkg -i rails-new_0.0.0_all.deb"

This next step will be slightly different than our environment initialization script. We've already created our database. For our new deploys, we'll migrate instead:

ssh -i ~/.aws/rails-new-key.pem "cd /usr/lib/rails-new && rails db:migrate && sudo service rails-new restart"

Notice that we also restart our rails service. We need to do this for Rails' ActiveRecord magic. Finally, we'll change the DNS entry:

hz=$(aws route53 list-hosted-zones | jq -r '.HostedZones[0].Id')
if [ -z "$1" ]
function jsontemplate() {
  cat << JSON 
  "HostedZoneId": "$hz",
  "ChangeBatch": {
    "Comment": "",
    "Changes": [
        "Action": "CREATE",
        "ResourceRecordSet": {
          "Name": "$dns_entry",
          "Type": "A",
          "SetIdentifier": "Rails New $environment",
          "Region": "us-east-1",
          "TTL": 0,
          "ResourceRecords": [
              "Value": "$instance_ip_address"

aws route53 change-resource-record-sets \
  --cli-input-json "$(jsontemplate)"

It may take a few minutes for the DNS changes to propagate, but that should be it! Check out your sweet changes at your rails-new.whateveryourdomainis.com:3000.

Reasons For Madness

Why in the world are we doing this? We're only going to be creating the production environment once, so why script it?

First, never assume you're only ever going to do something once. When we're first setting up our environment, we might find that our original architecture design is lacking or over-engineered. We should keep this script along with a script that will undo our changes so that we can quickly iterate on this design. Additionally, it'll help for the inevitable time that we want to spin up a different application with a similar architecture.

"But Ryan," I hear you say, "microservices are years away for my company, and we may never get there." Sure, but that isn't the only reason you'd ever want to codify and version the way you spin up environments that run your application. For example, imagine you're creating an experimental feature, and you want to run it in its own quarantined environment. How long would it take you to manually follow the above steps all over again? Then it would take more time to tear down that environment. You may as well write those two processes down in code. Save "future you" some time!


That was a lot. Maybe consider taking a nap after reading that one.

We may have exhausted ourselves mentally, but now we have done something very valuable: we've automated creating environments for our application. It should now, theoretically, be trivial to set up and tear down our application environments. This means we can very easily do things like spin up an entire environment to test a new feature that lives in a specific branch.

We've also made it very easy to deploy new versions of our code without introducing downtime for our service via blue/green deployment methods.

There's so much more we could do here, but I think this is a really good starting point. I hope this article illustrates just how much potential there is for automating your common AWS actions using simple bash scripts.

If you want more, give the README for rails_new a review. I've added a lot of scripts that do more things like tear down, prune and check the status of your various bits of infrastructure. For the sake of the length of this article, I've omitted explaining them here. Do check out those scripts, as I've made some nice improvements to my code samples from this article.

In future articles, I'll show you how to use these script in conjunction with our git server that we set up, making it part of our CI/CD pipeline.

For now, let's walk away slowly and rejoin society.

- ryjo