
Turning Your Application into an Installable Package


There's a ton of cool ways out there to deploy your modern web application to production. dpkg, the software used to build and install packages for Debian-based GNU/Linux distributions, is not one I've had the pleasure of directly working with in a professional capacity. It's been around since 1994, so it's had some time to mature and grow into a very useful tool. A companion suite of scripts called debhelper that popped up in 1997 really makes the process of creating installable binaries a cinch. Best of all, it comes right out of the box with Debian-based Operating Systems, Ubuntu included. This makes my brain happy.

I also really like the idea of installing my application just like any other part of my machine's software ecosystem. Other approaches tend to make me feel like my app is something that needs to be quarantined.

In this article, we'll start with the very basics, then work our way up to building a Rails application as a .deb file. I pushed up a repository following the steps outlined for the Rails portion of things if you'd like to skip ahead.

Operating Systems, Packages and Source Code, Oh My!

dpkg installs software packaged in .deb files. If you go to a website and download a .deb file, there's nothing stopping you from installing that piece of software if you have root/sudo access.

These .deb files contain the application itself (sort of like a tar file) as well as instructions for installing that application on your computer. The .deb file's responsibilities include (but are not limited to):

  1. copying files stored in the .deb file to directories on your machine
  2. creating symlinks relevant to your application
  3. adding users to your system
  4. installing daemons that run in the background and on startup
  5. installing cronjobs

This is quite convenient. Not only can you bundle up all of your code in a single file that can be easily sent to another machine, you can also ship all of the instructions necessary to get your application running. You get this for free just by virtue of running your operating system.

The Minimum Requirements

Let's start with nothing. Create a directory that would hold your application. If you want to follow along step-by-step, do mkdir -p foo/{DEBIAN,usr/bin}. Inside of the foo/DEBIAN directory, create a file named control. At a minimum, it should look something like this:

Package: foo
Description: FOO!
Version: 0.0.0
Maintainer: Ryan Johnston
Architecture: all

You can read more details about what these things do in the Debian Docs. Now create a file foo/DEBIAN/compat that simply looks like this:


Once you have this file, create your deb by running dpkg-deb --build foo in the parent directory of foo. This will create a foo.deb file in your current directory. You can then install this by doing sudo dpkg -i foo.deb. You can remove this package by doing sudo dpkg -r foo. It's that easy.

Lame. Let's Do Something Cool

Ok, so we can install that package, but it doesn't actually do anything... yet. Let's create a file that we'll install. Put the following into foo/usr/bin/foo.sh:

echo "YO"

Make this file executable with chmod +x foo/usr/bin/foo.sh. When we install this, foo.sh will automatically get dumped into your system's /usr/bin directory.

Now build again with dpkg-deb --build foo. You can then just re-install this package by doing sudo dpkg -i foo.deb. You should be able to run foo.sh from anywhere now. That's because by mirroring your system's directory structure in our app's directory, the .deb file knew to put the executable in /usr/bin which is available in your $PATH.

Ew... So I Have To Change My App's Directory Structure?

This isn't bad if your project's file structure directly mimics how it will be installed on your system. Usually I want to leave my app's directory structure as is for my development environments and just specify where each of the files should be installed.

You may notice we named the directory DEBIAN with all capital letters. Generally, it's recommended not to do this. Naming the directory debian instead will allow us to specify where each individual file is supposed to be installed on the production environment without changing our development environment's directory structure.

Rename the directory foo/DEBIAN (all capitals) to foo/debian. Now move foo/usr/bin/foo.sh into foo/foo.sh. Put the following in a file named foo/debian/install:

foo.sh usr/bin

Change your foo/debian/control file so that it looks something like this:

Source: foo
Standards-Version: 4.0.0
Maintainer: Ryan Johnston

Package: foo
Architecture: all
Description: FOO!

Make a file named foo/debian/rules that looks like this:

#!/usr/bin/make -f
# -*- makefile -*-

# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
#export DH_VERBOSE=1

	dh $@

Note that it must be an actual tab (not spaces!) before dh. Make it executable with chmod +x foo/debian/rules.

Finally, we also need to make a file named foo/debian/changefile. One can be generated easily enough by doing dch --create. Your foo/debian/changefile should look something like this:

foo (0.0.0) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium

  * Initial release.

 -- ryjo   Mon, 10 Dec 2018 20:01:33 -0500

The build commands are a little different than before. Navigate inside of your foo directory and run debuild --no-tgz-check. This creates a file in foo's parent directory called foo_0.0.0_all.deb, as well as one or two other files. You can install this package using our familiar sudo dpkg -i foo_0.0.0_all.deb.

You'll see lots of warnings in the console after you run debuild --no-tgz-check, but it shouldn't stop it from building. Feel free to look them up and tweak your files here and there to make the warnings go away.

The first time you run dpkg -i with a .deb file, you'll "install" it. For all subsequent times, you'll "upgrade" it. It may be wise to first "remove" the package or even "purge" it with dpkg -r or dpkg -P respectively if you ever find yourself in an odd state. This way, you'll be "installing" the package fresh every time.

Turn. It. Up.

I've worked quite a bit with Rails, so I'll use this framework to try building an application that's a bit more complicated. I build a new rails app by running rails new rails_new. I know that running this app can be accomplished by running rails server. Easy.

In my opinion, it makes sense to already have ruby, bundler and node installed system-wide (executable by all users of the system) on the server I will deploy my application to. I can make them dependencies of my package by creating a rails_new/debian/control file that looks like this:

Source: rails-new
Standards-Version: 4.0.0
Maintainer: Ryan Johnston

Package: rails-new
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ruby, bundler, nodejs, zlib1g-dev, libsqlite3-dev
Description: New Rails Project

Depends is optionally used to prevent installation if those packages are not installed and tracked by dpkg. I added the ${misc:Depends} part to remove a warning message during build. zlib1g-dev and libsqlite3-dev are needed for the nokogiri and sqlite3 gems respectively.

Create a rails_new/debian/changelog file either manually or with dch --create that looks something like:

rails-new (0.0.0) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium

  * Initial release.

 -- ryjo   Mon, 10 Dec 2018 20:01:33 -0500

...a filed named rails_new/debian/compat that looks like:


...as well as a rails_new/debian/rules file that looks like this:

#!/usr/bin/make -f
# -*- makefile -*-

# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
#export DH_VERBOSE=1

	dh $@

Make that file executable by running chmod +x rails_new/debian/rules.

You should now be able to run debuild --no-tgz-check followed by a sudo dpkg -i rails-new_0.0.0_all.deb. Of course, this doesn't actually do anything yet.

What's Up With Those Rules?

The debian/rules file has some very powerful capabilities. Among other things, it lets us override what happens during certain steps of the build process.

One of the steps debhelper runs is called dh_auto_test. This automatically attempts to detect and run our testing suite. It doesn't have the capability to detect a Rails suite automatically, so we'll specify exactly what needs to happen. Update the rails_new/debian/rules file so that it looks like this:

#!/usr/bin/make -f
# -*- makefile -*-

# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
#export DH_VERBOSE=1

	dh $@
	bin/rails test

This will run our test suite before we build our package and cancel the build if it fails. Afterall, we wouldn't want to deploy a binary built upon source code with failing tests now would we?

We'll create a very trivial and uninteresting test just to showcase this capability. Create a file rails_new/test/foo_test.rb that looks like this:

require "test_helper"

class FooTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
  test "foo!" do
    assert true

Right now, our test suite will always suceed when we run debuild --no-tgz-check since our one and only test does assert true. This means that it'll exit with code 0, and the build will continue past this step. If we change this to assert false, the testing suite will fail, exiting with code 1. This causes the entire build process to fail. This effectively prevents us from building a .deb file with code that fails our testing suite. Very nice!

There are lots of steps during the build process that we can override_*. Take a look at the dh source code comments for some really nice examples.

Understanding the Filesystem

The directories in a unix-like filesystem are meant to store different types of files. For example, /usr is meant to store programs installed by the user. The Linux Documentation Project has excellent write-ups about the Filesystem Hierarchy. This one and this one are great starting points. They basically say that user programs go here. Specifically, this is where we'll put the files that should not change while our application is running. A few of these in Rails are app, config and lib.

In order to split up where my files will go, we will use the rails_new/debian/install file:

app usr/lib/rails-new
bin/rails-production usr/bin
config usr/lib/rails-new
config.ru usr/lib/rails-new
Gemfile* usr/lib/rails-new
lib usr/lib/rails-new
package.json usr/lib/rails-new
public usr/lib/rails-new
Rakefile usr/lib/rails-new

You'll notice that we install a file called rails-production. This binary will live in /usr/bin while the rest of the rails app will live in /usr/lib. The normal rails executable that comes out of the box with rails uses relative paths. Luckily this file isn't too large, so it's easy to change to suit our needs. Create a rails_new/bin/rails-production file that looks like this:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
APP_PATH = File.expand_path('/usr/lib/rails-new/config/application', __dir__)
require_relative '/usr/lib/rails-new/config/boot'
require 'rails/commands'

Make it executable with chmod +x rails_new/bin/rails-production.

You'll also notice we left out a few directories: tmp, log and db (which will hold our sqlite database files). All of these directories will be written to during execution of the application. According to the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy, /var is where files that are written to during the execution of your program should go.

This presents a bit of a problem: it's difficult to configure in Rails where these other directories are located. For example, there is no configuration option to tell it where the tmp directory should go; it just assumes it'll be located at the root of your app.

We'll just create some symlinks. Luckily, we can easily do this by creating a rails_new/debian/links file that looks like this:

var/lib/rails-new/db usr/lib/rails-new/db
var/lib/rails-new/tmp usr/lib/rails-new/tmp
var/log/rails-new usr/lib/rails-new/log

This will create symlinks inside of /usr/lib/rails-new that link to directories in /var/{lib,log}/rails-new. Of course, we'll need to create those directories. dirs to the rescue! Create a file rails_new/debian/dirs with the following in it:


Scheduling Tasks

Now that we've set up our log directory, let's make use of it. We'll create a rake task that logs text to our environment's log file in /var/log/rails-new. We'll schedule it to run every minute with cron.

Create a file named rails_new/lib/tasks/foo.rake that looks like this:

desc "Log 'foo!'"
task :foo do
  Rails.logger = ActiveSupport::Logger.new(Rails.root.join('log', "#{Rails.env}.log"))
  Rails.logger.info 'foo!'

We can install this as a cron job in a file named /etc/cron.d/rails-new by creating a file rails_new/debian/rails-new.cron.d that looks like this:

* * * * * rails-new cd /usr/lib/rails-new; /usr/bin/rails-production foo

The Time Has Come To... Daemonize!

We'll want to run our application as a daemon. This gives us a pretty powerful toolset through systemd. We'll be able to run things like sudo systemctl restart rails-new.service to restart the process. Similarly, start, stop and status will also be available for our use. This is as easy as creating a rails_new/debian/rails-new.service file with the following contents:

Description=A new Rails Service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/rails-production server
ExecStop=/bin/kill -9 $(cat /var/lib/rails-new/tmp/pids/server.pid)


By default, our daemon will be enabled and running after we install this package.

Huh? rails-new Who?

You may notice we told the cron job and service to run as the user rails-new. It's generally considered good practice to run daemons as a non-root user. We'll also run all of our cronjobs as the user that runs our server. Unfortunately, there's not a dedicated file like with dirs or links that will let us create a user or set permissions on installed files or directories.

We'll have to create a "maintainer script." These scripts are used when tasks fall outside of the normal flow of available dh_* scripts. Create a rails_new/debian/postinst file that looks like this:


set -e

case "$1" in
    adduser --disabled-password --quiet --system \
      --home /var/run/rails-new --no-create-home \
      --gecos "Rails New daemon" --group rails-new
    chown rails-new:rails-new \
      /var/lib/rails-new/db \
      /var/lib/rails-new/tmp \
    cd /usr/lib/rails-new && bundle install --deployment
    echo "Oops."
    exit 1


exit 0

As the name implies, this script will run after installation. It generally seems like a good idea to avoid putting too much in maintainer scripts since there are so many dh_* utilities to make use of. Plus, the more you use dh_* utilities, the more that dpkg is able to track for your package.

Adding that bundle install line after the chown illustrates this point. We're not bundling the third party gems specified in the Gemfile in the .deb file. Instead, we've chosen to download these gems at install time. There is no dh_* equivalent for installing gems, so, like when we added a user (explanation of command) and ran chown on the directories Rails would need to write to, we put this in the maintainer script rails_new/debian/postinst.

Running a dpkg -r command would normally remove the files that were copied from debian/install, the directories created from debian/dirs and so on. If we were to sudo dpkg -r rails-new, however, we would see that the /usr/lib/rails-new directory is not deleted. We ran a bundle install, and that created /usr/lib/rails-new/{.bundle,vendor} directories that are not tracked by dpkg.

Even if we didn't use bundle install at install time (perhaps we decide to install vendor gems at the time we build the .deb file), we still have /var/lib/rails-new/tmp directory. This directory has contents not tracked by dpkg as they were added during runtime of the Rails application.

Fight Fire With Fire

To deal with these issues, we'll create a second maintainer script called rails_new/debian/prerm with the following in it to do some extra cleanup:


set -e

case "$1" in
      rm -r /usr/lib/rails-new
      rm -r /var/lib/rails-new
      rm -r /var/log/rails-new


        echo "prerm called with unknown argument $1" >&2
        exit 1


exit 0

A keen observer may note that we do not remove the user and group we created. Generally, packages shouldn't remove users and groups. Cleanup of this is left as an exercise to the system administrator.

Additionally, you may notice the #DEBHELPER# at the end of these maintainer scripts. This is a placeholder. When you build the package, debhelper will put any extra code that it generated for these files in this location. It won't put the code directly in this file, mind you. Instead, it'll put it in the rails_new/debian/rails-new/DEBIAN/postinst file that is generated when we run debuild --no-tgz-check. In our case, it puts some extra stuff there because we're installing a systemd unit.


We made it. It's over. All that's left to do is run a debuild --no-tgz-check and subsequent sudo dpkg -i rails-new_0.0.0_all.deb, and our rails application is installed and running. You should be able to get to and be greeted by the default Rails welcome page. Additionally, if you tail -f /var/log/rails-new/development.log, you'll see "foo!" being logged from your cron job.

If you want to learn more about this process, do yourself a favor and read the many many many (you get it) resources out there. It may take a bit of piecing together to get exactly the results you want, but hopefully this article and the many search results will give you a good starting point.

Also, take a peek at the files in /var/lib/dpkg/info/* on an Ubuntu system. You can see actual files from packages already installed like the avahi and wpasupplicant daemons.

Finally, take a look inside of the generated rails_new/debian/rails-new/DEBIAN directory. Lots of learnings to be had!

Thank You

I really went down a rabbit hole with that one. I appreciate you sticking through until the end of this article. Hopefully this will provide some encouragement to you and other readers to use the tools provided out of the box with your operating system.

Simplify your life, my friend.

- ryjo