
A Simple TCP Server Written in Go and CLIPS


When you're first introduced to CLIPS, it may not be clear how to feed data into and use output from your rules engine. This presents a major stumbling block when fitting CLIPS into your everyday software architecture. Fear not, dear reader. Today, I'll show you how to implement an I/O Router in CLIPS.

The Routers we create in this article will read from and write to TCP socket connections opened by remote users. Our server will provide a multi-user environment for these users known as a "chatroom." Users will be able to connect, send messages into, and disconnect from the chatroom. Additionally, they'll see when other users connect, disconnect, and send messages. Above all: this article will demonstrate a thin "wrapper" that exposes a CLIPS application to the network. With this, you could develop any kind of web application in CLIPS that you'd like.

Without further ado, let's get started!

Listening on a Port

First, we'll use Go's net package to listen on a port of our computer:

package main

import (

func main() {
  listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:5678")
  if err != nil {
  defer listener.Close()
  fmt.Println("Now accepting tcp connections at localhost:5678...")

  for {
    conn, err := listener.Accept()
    if err != nil {
    go handleRequest(&conn)

func handleRequest(conn *net.Conn) {
  (*conn).Write([]byte("Welcome to the chatroom!\n"))
  reader := bufio.NewReader(*conn)
  for {
    message, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Message from user: %s", message)

The first thing our main function does is "listen" on the ip/domain and port number that we specify. In our case, we're listening on the domain localhost and port number 5678. TCP clients will use this combo to connect to our server. After doing some basic error checking, we defer listener.Close() to ensure we clean up when we exit.

After reporting that our server is ready to accept connections, we wait. listener.Accept() will run when a client tries to connect. If there are no errors, we pass a connection pointer to a go routine that will then read messages sent by the client.

We send a message over the socket to the newly connected client welcoming them to the chatroom. Then we create a "reader" for the connection. This will allow us to read messages sent by the client. We then look for the \n (new line) character to signal the "end" of a message. Finally, we write a received message to standard output (STDOUT).

You'll also want to create a go.mod file that looks like this:

module clips-tcp

go 1.17

Now we'll run it:

$ go run .
Now accepting tcp connections at localhost:5678...

Alright, now we'll use nc to open a TCP connection to our server. We'll also send a message "hi there" to the server by typing in the terminal and hitting "enter":

$ nc localhost 5678
Welcome to the chatroom!
hi there

Now look at the output of your server:

$ go run .
Now accepting tcp connections at localhost:5678...
Message from user: hi there

Nice, looks like we're able to send and receive messages between TCP clients and the server.

Bringing in CLIPS

Now we'll bring CLIPS in to the mix. We'll download it into our TCP server's directory, untar it, and then remove the main.c file provided by the tar archive:

$ wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/clipsrules/files/CLIPS/6.40/clips_core_source_640.tar.gz
# ... truncated output ...
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: https://versaweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/clipsrules/CLIPS/6.40/clips_core_source_640.tar.gz [following]
--2022-12-11 16:32:46--  https://versaweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/clipsrules/CLIPS/6.40/clips_core_source_640.tar.gz
Resolving versaweb.dl.sourceforge.net (versaweb.dl.sourceforge.net)...
Connecting to versaweb.dl.sourceforge.net (versaweb.dl.sourceforge.net)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1082012 (1.0M) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: ‘clips_core_source_640.tar.gz’

clips_core_source_640.ta 100%[===============================>]   1.03M  2.97MB/s    in 0.3s    

2022-12-11 16:32:51 (2.97 MB/s) - ‘clips_core_source_640.tar.gz’ saved [1082012/1082012]
$ tar --strip-components=2 -xvf clips_core_source_640.tar.gz
# ... truncated output ...
$ rm ./main.c

Now we'll update our main.go file:

package main

import (

#cgo CFLAGS: -std=c99 -O3 -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-unused-result
#cgo LDFLAGS: -lm
#include "clips.h"
import "C"

func main() {
  env := C.CreateEnvironment()
  defer C.DestroyEnvironment(env)
  batch := C.CString("./server.bat")
  defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(batch))
  C.BatchStar(env, batch)
  listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:5678")
  if err != nil {

We use Cgo to call CLIPS functions (which are written in C) from our Go application. The CLIPS functions are available by prefixing calls to them with C. in our Go code. The comment block above the import "C" line specifies the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS that the compiler should use when compiling CLIPS. We use #include "clips.h" to include the CLIPS library in our Go application. This will let us directly call CLIPS functions written in C from our Go application.

In our main function, we create a CLIPS environment with C.CreateEnvironment. We once again use defer to ensure cleaning up upon application exit. Then, we use C.BatchStar to load in a "batch file" containing our CLIPS code named server.bat. Note that we must convert Go strings into C strings (technically *C.chars or "pointers to chars" in C) when passing them as arguments to CLIPS functions. C.CString allocates memory "on the heap" in order to create a C string from a Go String. Therefor, we must free up the memory at the end of our program with C.free.

One thing of note: starting our server with go run . will take longer than before. That's because we re-compile CLIPS each time we make changes to main.go. If we do not change the code in main.go between restarts, go run . will start our server much faster.

Now we'll create our server.bat file that CLIPS will run with C.BatchStar above:

(println "Hello, CLIPS!")

Fire up your server with go run . and check the output:

$ go run .
Hello, CLIPS!
Now accepting tcp connections at localhost:5678...

Perfect. Now we can run CLIPS code from our Go code. Let's tie these two features together.

Connections and Disconnections

We'll update our code a bit to identify each connection with a unique id. This will get around issues that can occur when passing Go pointers to C code. Then we'll tell CLIPS when these ids connect and disconnect. First, let's add an import for a package that can generate uuids to the top of main.go:

package main

import (

Now we'll make a channel that receives these uuids. This is how you pass data between goroutines in Go. Both our TCP message listener handleRequest and rules engine "run loops" execute in goroutines. Let's create that "run loop" for our rules engine in our main function:

#cgo CFLAGS: -std=c99 -O3 -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-unused-result
#cgo LDFLAGS: -lm
#include "clips.h"
import "C"

var connections = make(chan string)

func main() {
  env := C.CreateEnvironment()
  defer C.DestroyEnvironment(env)
  batch := C.CString("./server.bat")
  defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(batch))
  C.BatchStar(env, batch)

  go func(env *C.Environment) {
    for {
      id := <-connections
      fact_c := C.CString(fmt.Sprintf("(connection %s)", id))
      C.AssertString(env, fact_c)
      C.Run(env, -1)

  listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:5678")
  if err != nil {

By putting go in front of a function call, we tell the function to execute concurrently. This concurrency means it runs at the same time as the code following it. Our function runs a for loop that loops infinitely. When a uuid is sent over the connections channel, we capture it in the id variable. We then assert a fact into our rules engine that represents the connection. Finally, we run our rules engine.

Let's create this uuid in the handleRequest function and put it into the channel:

func handleRequest(conn *net.Conn) {
  (*conn).Write([]byte("Welcome to the chatroom!\n"))
  id := uuid.NewString()
  connections <- id
  reader := bufio.NewReader(*conn)
  for {
    message, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
    if err != nil {
    //fmt.Printf("Message from user: %s", message)
    fmt.Printf("Message from user %s: %s", id, message)

We'll replace our server.bat file with the following:

(defrule connection
  (connection ?id)
  (println "User " ?id " connected"))

Before we restart our server, we'll need to use go get to retrieve the uuid package from the internet:

$ go get github.com/google/uuid
go: added github.com/google/uuid v1.3.0

If you do not do the above, you may see the following error:

$ go run .
main.go:6:3: no required module provides package github.com/google/uuid; to add it:
        go get github.com/google/uuid

Now we'll run our server, connect to it from a client, and send a little "hi" message:

$ nc localhost 5678
Welcome to the chatroom!

Check the output from the server:

$ go run .
Now accepting tcp connections at localhost:5678...
User bc79b2b6-4bdc-4692-9d61-d2e2013cec49 connected
Message from user bc79b2b6-4bdc-4692-9d61-d2e2013cec49: hi

Cool. Now each user that connects has an id. Let's add a bit more code to implement disconnections. In our main.go file, we'll create another channel for disconnections:

#cgo CFLAGS: -std=c99 -O3 -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-unused-result
#cgo LDFLAGS: -lm
#include "clips.h"
import "C"

var connections = make(chan string)
var disconnections = make(chan string)

func main() {
  env := C.CreateEnvironment()
  defer C.DestroyEnvironment(env)
  batch := C.CString("./server.bat")

Now update the "run loop" go routine in our main function like so:

go func(env *C.Environment) {
  for {
    //id := <-connections
    //fact_c := C.CString(fmt.Sprintf("(connection %s)", id))
    //C.AssertString(env, fact_c)
    select {
    case id := <-connections:
      fact_c := C.CString(fmt.Sprintf("(connection %s)", id))
      C.AssertString(env, fact_c)
    case id := <-disconnections:
      fact_c := C.CString(fmt.Sprintf("(disconnection %s)", id))
      C.AssertString(env, fact_c)
    C.Run(env, -1)

The select waits for the values received from one of the channels in its case statements. Once one of the channels recieves a message, that block of code runs. We'll use this functionality to receive messages on either our connections or disconnections channel.

Now we'll send the id into that channel when the client disconnects. Update your handleRequest like so:

func handleRequest(conn *net.Conn) {
  (*conn).Write([]byte("Welcome to the chatroom!\n"))
  id := uuid.NewString()
  connections <- id
  reader := bufio.NewReader(*conn)
  for {
    message, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
    if err != nil {
      disconnections <- id
    fmt.Printf("Message from user %s: %s", id, message)

Let's update our CLIPS code to respond usefully to these disconnection facts:

(defrule connection
  (connection ?id)
  (println "User " ?id " connected"))

(defrule disconnection
  ?f <- (connection ?id)
  (disconnection ?id)
  (retract ?f)
  (println "User " ?id " disconnected"))

Start your server, then connect to it. Disconnect once, then re-connect so that you can see the disconnect message:

$ nc localhost 5678
Welcome to the chatroom!
$ nc localhost 5678
Welcome to the chatroom!

The ^C in the above means we hit the ctrl and c keys on our keyboard at the same time. This exits nc. Take a look at the output from the server:

$ go run .
Now accepting tcp connections at localhost:5678...
User dc76184a-c911-4836-9629-8cda7e676ccb connected
Message from user dc76184a-c911-4836-9629-8cda7e676ccb: greetings
User dc76184a-c911-4836-9629-8cda7e676ccb disconnected
User 461e1953-cc4b-413d-822d-75400f432bb1 connected
Message from user 461e1953-cc4b-413d-822d-75400f432bb1: hiya

Everything's looking great so far. Now all we need to do is feed messages from users into CLIPS. This is where Routers come in, so buckle up.

CLIPS I/O Routers Written in Go

In order to put data into and get it out of our rules engine, we use I/O Routers. The default router in CLIPS is named t. It writes to STDOUT, and it reads from STDIN. When we use println, readline or other input/output functions, it uses the t router by default. What we'll do for our TCP server is add a Router each time a socket connection occurs. The name of the Router will be the uuid we created for the connection. This will allow us to do things like (printout ?uuid "Hello, socket!") in the antecedent of Rules. We'll delete these Routers when their respective sockets disconnect.

We'll need to call a function provided by CLIPS called AddRouter. The Advanced Programmers Guide describes this function in detail. From a high-level, it allows us to specify functions for writing to and reading from a given Router.

Let's start with two functions: one will name our Router, the other will write to it:

#cgo CFLAGS: -std=c99 -O3 -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-unused-result
#cgo LDFLAGS: -lm
#include "clips.h"
bool QueryCallback(Environment *,char *,void *);
void WriteCallback(Environment *,char *,char *,void *);
import "C"

We have to declare our functions like this so that we can reference them as C functions (prefixed with C.) in the call to AddRouter.

Unfortunately, it is not a good idea to pass Go pointers to C functions. Pointers in Go are periodically garbage collected. What we pass to C may not be the same thing later during the lifetime of our application. This is one reason why we identify TCP connections with uuids.

We'll create a map called idsToConnections that uses uuids as its keys. The uuids will point to a struct:

import "C"

type Connection struct {
  id   string
  conn *net.Conn

var idsToConnections = make(map[string] *Connection)

var connections = make(chan string)

We'll also update our connections channel so that it receives pointers to our new structs instead of strings:

//var connections = make(chan string)
var connections = make(chan *Connection)

Now we'll create our QueryCallback function. This function should return true if the Router we try to read from/write to exists. We'll check idsToConnections for the presence of a key matching the connection's uuid. If it's there, we'll return true:

var connections = make(chan *Connection)
var disconnections = make(chan string)

//export QueryCallback
func QueryCallback(e *C.Environment, logicalName *C.char, _ unsafe.Pointer) C.bool {
  _, ok := idsToConnections[C.GoString(logicalName)]
  return C.bool(ok)

And now our WriteCallback function:

//export WriteCallback
func WriteCallback(e *C.Environment, logicalName *C.char, str *C.char, context unsafe.Pointer) {
  if _, err := (*idsToConnections[C.GoString(logicalName)].conn).Write([]byte(C.GoString(str))); err != nil {
    log.Printf("WARNING: attempting to send message to socket %s errored: %s", C.GoString(logicalName), err)

func main() {

Note the (*idsToConnections[C.GoString(logcialName)].conn) part. We must do this because conn is a pointer to a net.conn struct. Thus we must use an asterisk (*) to reference the value pointed to by the pointer. We Write a slice of bytes to this connection. We create this slice from the string str we attempt to write to this Router. Note that we must first convert the C string (or *C.char) into a Go string before converting to a slice of bytes.

We'll call AddRouter when the client connects. This will create a Router with the connection's uuid as its name. Our main for loop must be in charge of mutating idsToConnections. We do not want to allow our various handleRequest go routines to modify it since this may introduce a race condition:

go func(env *C.Environment) {
    for {
      select {
      //case id := <-connections:
      case connection := <-connections:
        idsToConnections[connection.id] = connection
        //id_c := C.CString(id)
        id_c := C.CString(connection.id)
          env, id_c, 20,
          nil, nil, nil, nil)
        //fact_c := C.CString(fmt.Sprintf("(connection %s)", id))
        fact_c := C.CString(fmt.Sprintf("(connection %s)", connection.id))
        C.AssertString(env, fact_c)
      case id := <-disconnections:
        delete(idsToConnections, id)
        id_c := C.CString(id)
        C.DeleteRouter(env, id_c)
        fact_c := C.CString(fmt.Sprintf("(disconnection %s)", id))
        C.AssertString(env, fact_c)
      C.Run(env, -1)

Let's focus on the call to C.AddRouter. The env is obviously our CLIPS environment, and the id_c is the name of the Router. The 20 is the "priority" of this Router. Since we can have many Routers in CLIPS, there are ways to make our rules engine read from/write to some before others. According to the CLIPS Advanced Programmers Guide, priority 20 is used by:

Any router that wants to grab standard logical names and is not willing to share them with other routers.

The first and second arguments passed to AddRouter are the Query callback and Writer callback functions respectively. The Query callback lets our rules engine know that a Router exists with a given name. Our Writer will be used when our rules engine attempts to write to the Router. The next two nil values are where we'll specify our Read and Unread functions. We can also specify an Exit function, but it is not required if nothing must be done when we close the application.

The last argument is where we may pass "context" for this router. This is a void pointer, meaning we could pass any kind of pointer as this parameter. Unfortunately our TCP connections are pointed to by Go pointers, so we cannot directly pass the TCP connection as the Router context.

Now, enough of that sad bit of news. Let's continue with our implementation. We'll update our handleResponse function to create our Connection struct and put it into the connections channel:

func handleRequest(conn *net.Conn) {
  //(*conn).Write([]byte("Welcome to the chatroom!\n"))
  id := uuid.NewString()
  //connections <- id
  connections <- &Connection{id, conn}
  reader := bufio.NewReader(*conn)
  for {
    message, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
    if err != nil {
      disconnections <- id
    fmt.Printf("Message from user %s: %s", id, message)

We'll move our "Welcome" message into the rules engine now:

(defrule connection
  (connection ?id)
  (println "User " ?id " connected")
  (printout ?id "Welcome to the chatroom from CLIPS!" crlf))

Let's restart our server and connect to it:

$ nc localhost 5678
Welcome to the chatroom from CLIPS!

Very nice. Now we can write to our TCP client from within CLIPS!

Do You Read Me?

In order to read from socket connections, we'll need to add two functions to our Router: a Read and an Unread function. Read makes sense, but "Unread?" This is what we must do to simulate removing a character from standard input. We must do this if we add a Read function to our Router.

First, we'll add our Read and Unread callback function signatures to the top comment of our main.go file:

#cgo CFLAGS: -std=c99 -O3 -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-unused-result
#cgo LDFLAGS: -lm
#include "clips.h"
bool QueryCallback(Environment *,char *,void *);
void WriteCallback(Environment *,char *,char *,void *);
int ReadCallback(Environment *,char *,void *);
int UnreadCallback(Environment *,char *,int,void *);

We'll add two new things to our Connection struct: a slice of bytes and a channel for slices of bytes. We'll pass slices of bytes received over the socket connection into the channel. When we begin to read from the Router, we'll pull a message out of the channel and set it to the buffer. This will allow us to read individual characters from the slice in the Read callback as well as "shift" bytes back onto the beginning of the slice for the Unread callback.

type Connection struct {
  id            string
  conn          *net.Conn
  buffer        []byte
  bufferChannel chan []byte

Alright, here we go: the Read function:

//export ReadCallback
func ReadCallback(e *C.Environment, logicalName *C.char, context unsafe.Pointer) C.int {
  id := C.GoString(logicalName)
  connection := idsToConnections[id]
  if len(connection.buffer) == 0 {
    connection.buffer = append(connection.buffer, <-connection.bufferChannel...)
  ch := connection.buffer[0]
  connection.buffer = connection.buffer[1:]
  return C.int(ch)

And now: the Unread:

//export UnreadCallback
func UnreadCallback(e *C.Environment, logicalName *C.char, ch C.int, context unsafe.Pointer) C.int {
  id := C.GoString(logicalName)
  idsToConnections[id].buffer = append([]byte{byte(ch)}, idsToConnections[id].buffer...)
  return C.int(ch)

We'll create a channel that we'll use to notify the rules engine that a message from a connection has been buffered:

var connections = make(chan *Connection)
var disconnections = make(chan string)
var messageBuffered = make(chan string)

We'll update our go function that we use to run the rules engine to receive those messageBuffered notifications. We'll also add our Read and Unread to our AddRouter call:

go func(env *C.Environment) {
    for {
      select {
      case connection := <-connections:
        idsToConnections[connection.id] = connection
        id_c := C.CString(connection.id)
          env, id_c, 20,
          //nil, nil, nil, nil)
          nil, nil)
        fact_c := C.CString(fmt.Sprintf("(connection %s)", connection.id))
        C.AssertString(env, fact_c)
      case id := <-disconnections:
        delete(idsToConnections, id)
        id_c := C.CString(id)
        C.DeleteRouter(env, id_c)
        fact_c := C.CString(fmt.Sprintf("(disconnection %s)", id))
        C.AssertString(env, fact_c)
      case id := <-messageBuffered:
        fact_c := C.CString(fmt.Sprintf("(message-buffered %s)", id))
        C.AssertString(env, fact_c)
      C.Run(env, -1)

We need to update our handleRequest function to account for our new buffer and bufferChannel struct properties. We also need to send this connection's id into the new messageBuffered channel when we receive a message over the socket:

func handleRequest(conn *net.Conn) {
  id := uuid.NewString()
  bufferChannel := make(chan []byte)
  //connections <- &Connection{id, conn}
  connections <- &Connection{id, conn, []byte{}, bufferChannel}
  reader := bufio.NewReader(*conn)
  for {
    message, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
    if err != nil {
      disconnections <- id
    //fmt.Printf("Message from user %s: %s", id, message)
    message = strings.TrimSpace(message)
    messageBuffered <- id
    bufferChannel <- append([]byte(message), byte('\n'))

You may note that we use strings.TrimSpace to remove whitespace from the beginning and end of the message sent over the connection. We'll need to add strings to our import statement at the top of this file:

import (

You may have also noted we commented out the fmt.Printf that would tell us the message sent over the connection. Now that we've added ReadCallback and UnreadCallback to our Router, we can do this in CLIPS:

(defrule connection
  (connection ?id)
  (println "User " ?id " connected")
  (printout ?id "Welcome to the chatroom from CLIPS!" crlf))

(defrule disconnection
  ?f <- (connection ?id)
  (disconnection ?id)
  (retract ?f)
  (println "User " ?id " disconnected"))

(defrule message-buffered
  (connection ?id)
  ?f <- (message-buffered ?id)
  (retract ?f)
  (println "Message from user " ?id ": " (readline ?id)))

Alright, restart your server, connect to it using nc, send a message, and then disconnect:

$ nc localhost 5678              
Welcome to the chatroom from CLIPS!
hello, world!

Take a look at the output from your server:

$ go run .
Now accepting tcp connections at localhost:5678...
User 87266f2e-ae31-4da3-9492-104d7db9cbb7 connected
Message from user 87266f2e-ae31-4da3-9492-104d7db9cbb7: hello, world!
User 87266f2e-ae31-4da3-9492-104d7db9cbb7 disconnected

Very nice. Now we can read from and write to the socket connection from within CLIPS!

Is There Anybody Out There?

At this point, we can start purely writing CLIPS code to extend our server. No matter what kind of application we want to make, we can write the business logic as rules in our rules engine. Let's update the message-buffered rule so that it will broadcast a message received from one connection to all other connections currently in the server:

(defrule connection
  (connection ?id)
  (println "User " ?id " connected")
  (printout ?id "Welcome to the chatroom from CLIPS!" crlf))

(defrule disconnection
  ?f <- (connection ?id)
  (disconnection ?id)
  (retract ?f)
  (println "User " ?id " disconnected"))

(defrule message-buffered
  (connection ?id)
  ?f <- (message-buffered ?id)
  (retract ?f)
  ;(println "Message from user " ?id ": " (readline ?id)))
  (bind ?message (readline ?id))
  (println "Message from user " ?id ": " ?message)
  (printout ?id "You: " ?message crlf)
  (do-for-all-facts ((?f connection)) (neq ?id (nth$ 1 ?f:implied))
    (printout (nth$ 1 ?f:implied) ?id ": " ?message crlf)))

By now, you know what to do: restart your server, then connect to it with nc. To experience the full effect of a realtime chatroom, open another terminal to connect to the server. This will simulate a conversation between two people. One client will look like this:

$ nc localhost 5678
Welcome to the chatroom from CLIPS!
hi all
You: hi all
how's it going in here
You: how's it going in here
5e74b296-dc21-4551-8a73-c4ed04615522: it's going well :)

The other should look something like this:

$ nc localhost 5678
Welcome to the chatroom from CLIPS!
4ee2a03e-c477-4c58-b715-258df333af95: hi all
4ee2a03e-c477-4c58-b715-258df333af95: how's it going in here
it's going well :)
You: it's going well :)

Your server output should look something like this:

$ go run .
Now accepting tcp connections at localhost:5678...
User 5e74b296-dc21-4551-8a73-c4ed04615522 connected
User 4ee2a03e-c477-4c58-b715-258df333af95 connected
Message from user 4ee2a03e-c477-4c58-b715-258df333af95: hi all
Message from user 4ee2a03e-c477-4c58-b715-258df333af95: how's it going in here
Message from user 5e74b296-dc21-4551-8a73-c4ed04615522: it's going well :)

Very nice. Things are looking like a proper chatroom. Let's add some notifications for when users connect to and disconnect from the server:

(defrule connection
  (connection ?id)
  (println "User " ?id " connected")
  (printout ?id "Welcome to the chatroom from CLIPS!" crlf)
  (do-for-all-facts ((?f connection)) (neq ?id (nth$ 1 ?f:implied))
    (printout (nth$ 1 ?f:implied) "User " ?id " connected" crlf)))

(defrule disconnection
  ?f <- (connection ?id)
  (disconnection ?id)
  (retract ?f)
  (println "User " ?id " disconnected")
  (do-for-all-facts ((?f connection)) TRUE
    (printout (nth$ 1 ?f:implied) "User " ?id " disconnected" crlf)))

(defrule message-buffered
  (connection ?id)
  ?f <- (message-buffered ?id)
  (retract ?f)
  (bind ?message (readline ?id))
  (println "Message from user " ?id ": " ?message)
  (printout ?id "You: " ?message crlf)
  (do-for-all-facts ((?f connection)) (neq ?id (nth$ 1 ?f:implied))
    (printout (nth$ 1 ?f:implied) ?id ": " ?message crlf)))

Restart your server and connect to it using nc. We'll then simulate a new user connecting and subsequently disconnecting:

$ nc localhost 5678
Welcome to the chatroom from CLIPS!
User 4aa56a3a-329c-4c2c-8121-d821461ffe33 connected
4aa56a3a-329c-4c2c-8121-d821461ffe33: hi all
4aa56a3a-329c-4c2c-8121-d821461ffe33: ... hello?
4aa56a3a-329c-4c2c-8121-d821461ffe33: ok, bye...
User 4aa56a3a-329c-4c2c-8121-d821461ffe33 disconnected

Now, from User 4aa56a3a-329c-4c2c-8121-d821461ffe33's perspective:

$ nc localhost 5678
Welcome to the chatroom from CLIPS!
hi all
You: hi all
... hello?
You: ... hello?
ok, bye...
You: ok, bye...

The output of our server should look something like:

$ go run .
Now accepting tcp connections at localhost:5678...
User ffad2a24-6ecd-4b54-aa2d-89977912e77a connected
User 4aa56a3a-329c-4c2c-8121-d821461ffe33 connected
Message from user 4aa56a3a-329c-4c2c-8121-d821461ffe33: hi all
Message from user 4aa56a3a-329c-4c2c-8121-d821461ffe33: ... hello?
Message from user 4aa56a3a-329c-4c2c-8121-d821461ffe33: ok, bye...
User 4aa56a3a-329c-4c2c-8121-d821461ffe33 disconnected

Let's add in one more feature for good measure. Often times in chatrooms, users are able to send a message that starts with /me. This makes their text appear different in the chatroom. It is often used to differentiate an action from "spoken" word. We'll check the first "word" (characters before a space) of a message. If it's /me, we'll echo their message differently in the chatroom. Update your CLIPS code like so:

(defrule connection
  (connection ?id)
  (println "User " ?id " connected")
  (printout ?id "Welcome to the chatroom from CLIPS!" crlf)
  (do-for-all-facts ((?f connection)) (neq ?id (nth$ 1 ?f:implied))
      (printout (nth$ 1 ?f:implied) "User " ?id " connected" crlf)))

(defrule disconnection
  ?f <- (connection ?id)
  (disconnection ?id)
  (retract ?f)
  (println "User " ?id " disconnected")
  (do-for-all-facts ((?f connection)) TRUE
      (printout (nth$ 1 ?f:implied) "User " ?id " disconnected" crlf)))

(defrule message-buffered
  (connection ?id)
  ?f <- (message-buffered ?id)
  ;(retract ?f)
  (bind ?message (readline ?id))
  (println "Message from user " ?id ": " ?message)
  ;(printout ?id "You: " ?message crlf)
  ;(do-for-all-facts ((?f connection)) (neq ?id (nth$ 1 ?f:implied))
  ;  (printout (nth$ 1 ?f:implied) ?id ": " ?message crlf)))
  (assert (message ?id (string-to-field ?message) ?message)))

(defrule action
  (connection ?id)
  ?f <- (message-buffered ?id)
  ?ff <- (message ?id /me ?message)
  (retract ?f ?ff)
  (printout ?id "* You " (sub-string 5 (str-length ?message) ?message) crlf)
  (do-for-all-facts ((?f connection)) (neq ?id (nth$ 1 ?f:implied))
    (printout (nth$ 1 ?f:implied)
     "* " ?id " " (sub-string 5 (str-length ?message) ?message) crlf)))

(defrule say
  (connection ?id)
  ?f <- (message-buffered ?id)
  ?ff <- (message ?id ~/me ?message)
  (retract ?f ?ff)
  (printout ?id "You: " ?message crlf)
  (do-for-all-facts ((?f connection)) (neq ?id (nth$ 1 ?f:implied))
    (printout (nth$ 1 ?f:implied)
     ?id ": " ?message crlf)))

Time once again to test! Restart your server, and connect to it with 2 separate connections. Try sending a message that starts with /me as well as some without:

$ nc localhost 5678
Welcome to the chatroom from CLIPS!
Hi everyone
You: Hi everyone
/me waves to the chatroom
* You waves to the chatroom
ok bye
You: ok bye

Your other connection should see something like this:

$ nc localhost 5678
Welcome to the chatroom from CLIPS!
User 93bf4c10-62d3-4b1d-947c-61bfb801bc2e connected
93bf4c10-62d3-4b1d-947c-61bfb801bc2e: Hi everyone
* 93bf4c10-62d3-4b1d-947c-61bfb801bc2e waves to the chatroom
93bf4c10-62d3-4b1d-947c-61bfb801bc2e: ok bye

Our server output should be nothing surprising:

$ go run .
Now accepting tcp connections at localhost:5678...
User 5081079b-a1dd-4022-838d-5d8f05f456fb connected
User 93bf4c10-62d3-4b1d-947c-61bfb801bc2e connected
Message from user 93bf4c10-62d3-4b1d-947c-61bfb801bc2e: Hi everyone
Message from user 93bf4c10-62d3-4b1d-947c-61bfb801bc2e: /me waves to the chatroom
Message from user 93bf4c10-62d3-4b1d-947c-61bfb801bc2e: ok bye


Let's recount everything we've done in this article. We've created a multiuser expert system known as a "chatroom." This expert system is accessible over a network connection, so users can use different machines in different locations. From a higher perspective: we leverage a CLIPS rules engine from within a Go application. Even cooler: the framework we've created in Golang can be used to run any rules engine written in CLIPS.

- ryjo