
A JSON Validator in C


In this article, I'll walk you through a JSON validator in C that I wrote. A lot of popular programming languages have some way to parse a string of JSON. I wanted to come up with a way to bring JSON (as defined by RFC 8259 ) into CLIPS, but I wasn't quite pleased with existing JSON parsing libraries. This will be a "base" from which I write a JSON-to-CLIPS library next.

Wait... But Why?

There are some really cool JSON parsers in C on GitHub, and I had fun writing a few proof-of-concepts with cJSON, yajl, and jsmn. cJSON was super simple to use, but it provided so many options that I didn't want (including one to allow junk after a valid portion of the string) that I decided to look elsewhere. yajl is a tried-and-true library developed by Loid Hilaiel. It provides a nice bring-your-own data structure approach, but I didn't want the sort-of "framework" functionality that it provides. jsmn really struct me as an awesome implementation. However, like the other two, it initializes structs that I don't need. On top of all of this, every one of those libraries uses goto, which I'm personally not a fan of.

I decided to take jsmn's implementation and make it my own. What I ended up with was a JSON validator that does not initialize structs and only uses 1 int variable. I also wrote a test suite to make sure changes I made over time did not introduce regressions. While there is still room for improvement, I'm happy with the effort, and I'll use this for a JSON-to-CLIPS implementation in the coming weeks/months/whatevers. Now: on with the article!

First Steps: Tests!

First, the test suite setup. test.c loads in files from test/valid and test/invalid in order to test both valid and invalid JSON strings respectively. If it hits an error, it exits immediately. To add a new valid or invalid case, add a file to those directories containing the string in question. Here's what that looks like:

$ make test
gcc -c validatejson.c
gcc -o tests/test tests/test.c validatejson.o
Test results:
rm ./tests/test validatejson.o

Here's what it looks like when I add a valid json file to the test/invalid directory:

$ echo "{}" > tests/invalid/foo.json
$ make test
gcc -c validatejson.c
gcc -o tests/test tests/test.c validatejson.o
Test results:
 should be invalid!
rm ./tests/test validatejson.o

Here's what it looks like when I add an invalid json file to the test/valid directory:

$ echo "}" > tests/valid/foo.json
$ make test
gcc -c validatejson.c
gcc -o tests/test tests/test.c validatejson.o
Test results:                                                                                                                                                                                
 should be valid!
rm ./tests/test validatejson.o

The Library and the Binary

I separated this out into two files: one file is meant to be included in projects as a library, the other: a project that uses the aforementioned library. This let me "dog food" my library. Take a look at main.c. This is a slightly more complex version of the example given in the README.md file. Here's its output:

$ make
gcc -c validatejson.c
gcc -o validatejson main.c validatejson.o
$ ./validatejson 
validatejson checks whether the argument passed is a valid string of JSON

        validatejson '{ "foo": [ 1, 2, "Bar!" ] }'
$ ./validatejson '{ "foo": [ 1, 2, "Bar!" ] }'
$ ./validatejson '{ "foo": [ 1, 2, "Bar! ] }'
ERROR: { "foo": [ 1, 2, "Bar! ] } is invalid!

The main purpose of this binary is to demonstrate usage of the underlying function validateJSON which is provided by the library:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "validatejson.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  if (argc == 1)
    printf("USAGE\nvalidatejson checks whether the argument passed is a valid string of JSON\n\nExample:\n\tvalidatejson '{ \"foo\": [ 1, 2, \"Bar!\" ] }'\n");
    return 0;
  else if (argc == 2)
    if (!validateJSON(argv[1]))
      printf("ERROR: %s is invalid!\n", argv[1]);
      return -1;
    return 0;
  return -1;

The Library: Part 1

Let's have a look at the "entry" function: validateJSON:

bool validateJSON(const char *jsonString) {
  int cursor = 0;

  return validateJSONString(jsonString, &cursor, strlen(jsonString));

Super straightforward. Its main purpose is to store the context of our cursor. This cursor will iterate over every character in the passed string and determine if it's a valid character at that point in the string according to RFC 8259. We also pass in the calculated length of the passed string. This provides defaults for our validator. If the programmer wanted to start at a later character in a string, or if the programmer wanted to limit the validation check to a certain number of characters, they could pass their own into validateJSONString:

bool validateJSONString(const char *jsonString, int *cursor, int length)
  return validateJSONElement(jsonString, cursor, length) &&
           (*cursor) == length ||
           ++(*cursor) &&
           skipWhitespace(jsonString, cursor, length) &&
           (*cursor) == length

This function is a convenient way of saying "the string must only contain one valid JSON element at the top level." We validate the first JSON element (as defined in the RFC), and then we make sure there is only whitespace trailing it.

Let's look at the next "layer:" validateJSONElement:

bool validateJSONElement(const char *jsonString, int *cursor, int length)
  skipWhitespace(jsonString, cursor, length);
  switch (jsonString[*cursor])
    case '"':
      return validateString(jsonString, cursor, length);
    case '[':
      return validateArray(jsonString, cursor, length);
    case '{':
      return validateObject(jsonString, cursor, length);
    case 't':
    case 'f':
    case 'n':
      return validateBoolean(jsonString, cursor, length);
    case '-':
      return validateNumber(jsonString, cursor, length);

First thing first: since we're at the beginning of the string, we can safely skip over whitespace. The next character we encounter must be a string, an array, an object, a boolean, a null, or a number. strings must start with a ", arrays must start with a [, and objects start with a {. We check for true, false and null in validateBoolean, so we look for their starting characters t, f, or n. Finally, numbers can either begin with a - in the case of negatives or 0 through 9. By default, we'll go int to validateNumber which will return false if the cursor is not on a valid number:

bool validateNumber(const char *jsonString, int *cursor, int length)
  return validateAtLeastOneInteger(jsonString, cursor, length) &&
         validateFraction(jsonString, cursor, length) &&
         validateExponent(jsonString, cursor, length) &&
           jsonString[*cursor] == '}' ||
           jsonString[*cursor] == ']' ||
           jsonString[*cursor] == ',' ||
           jsonString[*cursor] == ' ' ||
           jsonString[*cursor] == '\t' ||
           jsonString[*cursor] == '\r' ||
           jsonString[*cursor] == '\n' ||
           jsonString[*cursor] == '\0'
         ) &&

The first thing we're going to do is verify there is at least one integer:

bool validateAtLeastOneInteger(const char *jsonString, int *cursor, int length)
  if (
    jsonString[*cursor] < 48 ||
    jsonString[*cursor] > 57
  ) return false;
  do (*cursor)++;
  while (
    *cursor < length &&
    jsonString[*cursor] >= 48 &&
    jsonString[*cursor] <= 57
  return true;

In C, we can check the int representation of a char value. Conveniently, digits 0 through 9 are represented as ints 48 to 57, so we make sure the int the cursor is on is between those two.

Once we've confirmed we're on an integer, we skip characters in the string until we get to a non-integer. Using a do-while loop lets us move the cursor forward once. This is nice since we've already checked the character the current cursor is on.

The next non-integer character we should run into is a period . to signify a fraction or an e/E to signify an exponent. validateFraction and validateExponent, which are called after we've hit a non-integer character, will return with true if the character we're on is not . or e/E. This lets us "fall through" to the end of our potential JSON number to make sure it "ends" properly:

bool validateFraction(const char *jsonString, int *cursor, int length)
  return jsonString[*cursor] != '.' ||
         (*cursor)++ &&
         validateAtLeastOneInteger(jsonString, cursor, length);

bool validateExponent(const char *jsonString, int *cursor, int length)
  return (
           jsonString[*cursor] != 'e' &&
           jsonString[*cursor] != 'E'
         ) ||
         (*cursor)++ &&
             jsonString[*cursor] == '-' ||
             jsonString[*cursor] == '+'
           ) &&
           (*cursor)++ ||
         ) &&
         validateAtLeastOneInteger(jsonString, cursor, length);

If we do find a . or e/E, we move the cursor forward and begin validating that we have the proper characters after this character in each function. For the fraction, we make sure that we have at least one integer. For the exponent, we allow an optional + or - sign. Then, we make sure we have at least one integer.

validateNumber then checks for a character that signifies the "end" of the number, then we move the cursor back one. This is a potential place of improvement for our algorithm; we must ask ourselves "how can we re-write this logic such that we only ever move the cursor forward?" For now, I'm not sure. But that's ok: our current approach works, and "perfect is the enemy of done."

Our Other Validation Functions

Now that our cursor is on the end of a valid JSON number, we can make sure that any "surrounding" JSON element is "closed" or "continued" correctly. Control of our program will return to the "outer" function calls, and validation will continue. If this string only contains a number, we'll verify that there are no characters after the JSON number.

The next "easy" validation to wrap our minds around is validateBoolean since this checks for three specific series of characters: true, false, or null.

bool validateBoolean(const char *jsonString, int *cursor, int length)
  return (
      strncmp(jsonString + (*cursor), "true", 4) == 0 ||
      strncmp(jsonString + (*cursor), "null", 4) == 0
    ) &&
    (*cursor = (*cursor) + 3) ||
    strncmp(jsonString + (*cursor), "false", 5) == 0 &&
    (*cursor = (*cursor) + 4);

Given that the cursor is at the beginning of one of these three specific words, we use strncmp (built into C's string.h library) to check it and the following characters for a match. strncmp returns 0 if we have a match, so we just return the boolean value of a comparison check for that integer. We also return (*cursor)++ which itself will be an int. This is convenient because our cursor will be an int greater than 0. This equates to true in C, while 0 itself equates to false. One gotcha: C will return *cursor before it increments *cursor, so if we ever need to return the value of *cursor after it's been incremented, we'd need to use ++(*cursor). That's why we do ++(*cursor) in validateJSONString. This allows us to consider the case of a single-digit number like 1. Since 1 would be valid JSON, and our *cursor would be on index 0, our return statement would be false.

One last thing before we move on: (*cursor = (*cursor) + 4) can be returned. It'll return the int which is the result of (*cursor) + 4. It'll also set the value of cursor. Convenient!

validateArray is next. By default, we'll allow for an empty array []. Else, we'll make sure the following content is a valid JSON element, then we'll make sure the array ends properly:

bool validateArray(const char *jsonString, int *cursor, int length)
  skipWhitespace(jsonString, cursor, length);
  return jsonString[*cursor] == ']' ||
         validateJSONElement(jsonString, cursor, length) &&
         validateEndOfArray(jsonString, cursor, length);

Note that we need to first advance the *cursor since the only reason we're in this function is that we've determined we've hit the start of an array with [ in validateJSONElement.

Before we take a look at validateEndOfArray, let's have a look at skipWhitespace:

bool skipWhitespace(const char *jsonString, int *cursor, int length)
  while (
    *cursor < length && (
      validateCharAndAdvanceCursor(jsonString, cursor, ' ')  ||
      validateCharAndAdvanceCursor(jsonString, cursor, '\t') ||
      validateCharAndAdvanceCursor(jsonString, cursor, '\r') ||
      validateCharAndAdvanceCursor(jsonString, cursor, '\n')
  return true;

This one has a funky-looking while loop. The while will loop until the check returns false, and this will only happen until your cursor is at the end of the string or when the cursor is on a whitespace. Each validateCharAndAdvanceCursor does exactly what you think it should do:

bool validateCharAndAdvanceCursor(const char *jsonString, int *cursor, char c)
  return jsonString[*cursor] == c &&

The while loop in skipWhitespace doesn't need a body because all of the work is done by advancing the cursor in validateCharAndAdvanceCursor.

Ok, as promised: here's validateEndOfArray:

bool validateEndOfArray(const char *jsonString, int *cursor, int length)
  skipWhitespace(jsonString, cursor, length);
  return jsonString[*cursor] == ']' ||
         validateCharAndAdvanceCursor(jsonString, cursor, ',') &&
         validateJSONElement(jsonString, cursor, length) &&
         validateEndOfArray(jsonString, cursor, length);

Short and sweet. Either we end the array here with a ] character, or we continue it with a ,. There's some duplication here between validateArray and this function. However, I believe it would require some re-organization of the control flow of our program since the order of validations is context-dependent. Simply: the only difference here is that , is a valid character as it is at least the second JSON element in the array. I'm sure there's some way to pass pointers to functions here, though it's not immediately clear to me how that might work. Thus, we leave this duplication for now.

validateObject and validateEndOfObject work similarly:

bool validateEndOfObject(const char *jsonString, int *cursor, int length)
  skipWhitespace(jsonString, cursor, length);
  return jsonString[*cursor] == '}' ||
         validateCharAndAdvanceCursor(jsonString, cursor, ',') &&
         skipWhitespace(jsonString, cursor, length) &&
         jsonString[*cursor] == '"' &&
         validateString(jsonString, cursor, length) &&
         (*cursor)++ &&
         skipWhitespace(jsonString, cursor, length) &&
         validateCharAndAdvanceCursor(jsonString, cursor, ':') &&
         validateJSONElement(jsonString, cursor, length) &&
         validateEndOfObject(jsonString, cursor, length);

bool validateObject(const char *jsonString, int *cursor, int length)
  skipWhitespace(jsonString, cursor, length);
  return jsonString[*cursor] == '}' ||
         jsonString[*cursor] == '"' &&
         validateString(jsonString, cursor, length) &&
         (*cursor)++ &&
         skipWhitespace(jsonString, cursor, length) &&
         validateCharAndAdvanceCursor(jsonString, cursor, ':') &&
         validateJSONElement(jsonString, cursor, length) &&
         validateEndOfObject(jsonString, cursor, length);

Just like in our array validation functions, the only difference between these two is that we allow the possibility of a , and following whitespace before validating a key/value pair in this object in validateEndOfObject. In validateObject, we skip these two checks because we assume it's the first key/value pair in the object.

The last function we'll look at is validateString. Just a fair warning: this one deviates from the other validation functions.

bool validateString(const char *jsonString, int *cursor, int length)
  while (
    *cursor < length &&
    jsonString[*cursor] != '"'
    if (jsonString[*cursor] == '\\')
      if (jsonString[*cursor] == 'u')
        if ((*cursor) + 4 > length) return false;
        // From https://github.com/zserge/jsmn/blob/25647e692c7906b96ffd2b05ca54c097948e879c/jsmn.h#L241-L251
        for (int x = 0; x < 4; (*cursor)++ && x++)
          int c = jsonString[(*cursor) + 1];
          if (!(
               (c >= 48 && c <= 57) || /* 0-9 */
               (c >= 65 && c <= 70) || /* A-F */
               (c >= 97 && c <= 102)   /* a-f */
          )) return false;
  return jsonString[*cursor] == '"';

We immediately end once we find a " character. We allow for characters to be escaped with \. There's a special case accounted for when there is \u present. This signifies a character represented by 4 hex digits.


In this article, I stepped you through a C implementation of a JSON validator. We talked about potential uses, tradeoffs in its design, and ways we could improve it. I'm going to use this as a reference for writing a JSON parser next. Thanks for reading!

- ryjo